18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,552 Blog Posts

A Sell Only Market

This makes no sense, going up like this because some guy, who was never going to be the Fed chair, isn’t going to be the Fed chair.

I sold out of my GOGO, raising cash levels to 40%. I still own substantial positions in IMMR, YELP and POWI. Barring some sort of huge price surge in the aforementioned securities, I doubt I will sell them prior to seeing them through earnings.

I have another new issue that I am investigating, as it is incredibly cheap on paper. The business is slightly impaired, which has resulted in a steep discount. However, I can’t buy into this rally, even though many of my favorite names like OWW and MHO are rising without me.

It doesn’t matter.

I am up 53% for the year and have nothing but wins under my belt. I intend to be patient and buy the blood, if at all possible.

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  1. xxxhuggiebearxxx

    I sold….will buy the taper dip.

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  2. capeless wonder

    One would dare short today?

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  3. haveseenitall

    Nice to see GOGO shrug off the fly sell .

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  4. xxxhuggiebearxxx

    and the fade…

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  5. duckkell

    Carl (give me 3 seats on your board) Icahn getting whipsawed by the AAPL avalanche!!

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