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Crying For War

The market sold off because that tanned guy, John Boehner, said he supports the President and wants to bomb Syria. We are living in a bizarro land, where the logical is rejected, in favor for the insane.

I knew the rally would be sold, judging by the impotent tone it possessed early this morning. Now the bears are having their day, eating steaks and drinking fine wines.

In short, the republican leader is bought and paid for by someone who tells Obama to do things. Unfortunately, the will of the people is being ignored by both parties and our beloved elected officials have decided they know better.

With war, I expect TLT to go up from here. However, nothing is written in stone.


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  1. acehood1

    someone stole “acehood” so this is the best I can do.

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  2. superpositron

    I think the US will get involved indirectly through an increase and training and supply of weaponry to the rebels. Im not sure the Russian navy will like tomahawk missiles flying over their heads. Plus as much as no one wants genocide… i think its time for other parts of the world to be more active in administering a spanking.

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  3. superb

    America is the root of all terror. America has invaded sixty countries since world war 2.
    In 1953 America overthrow Iran’s democratic government Mohammad Mosaddegh and installed a brutal dictator Shah. America helped Shah of Iran to establish secret police and killed thousands of Iranian people.
    During Iran-Iraq war evil America supported Suddam Hossain and killed millions of Iranian people. In 1989, America, is the only country ever, shot down Iran’s civilian air plane, killing 290 people.
    In 2003,America invaded Iraq and killed 1,000,000+ innocent Iraqi people and 4,000,000+ Iraqi people were displaced.
    Now America is a failed state with huge debt. Its debt will be 22 trillion by 2015.

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    • The Fly

      Let me guess, you’re canadian?

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    • jules

      Saying America is the root of all terror is a little bit of a stretch. People were killing each other in huge numbers long before America ever existed.

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      • superb

        Coup in Guatemala (The Fall of Arévalo)

        The USA organises a military coup in Guatemala to remove the president, Jacobo Arbenz. Arbenz was the successor to the popular and reforming president, Juan José Arévalo.

        The country had been democratic since 1944; Arévalo had permitted free expression, legalized unions and diverse political parties. The USA Embassy had described the government as having “an unusual reputation for incorruptibility”; the Guatemalans had described the previous ten years as “Ten Years of Spring”.
        After the coup, and for the next 31 years, repressive governments would rule with USA support. The CIA gives the new government lists of people to be eliminated, identifying political and intellectual leaders as military targets. Arévalo is driven out of Guatemala and dies in exile. Peasant cooperatives are destroyed, unions and political parties crushed, and dissidents hunted down. Many indigenous villages are cleared leading to urban sprawl and poverty. Thousands are killed by government death squads and many more flee the country.

        One of those fleeing is a young physician, Che Guevarra. His face would adorn posters for a generation in the 1960s.

        Within a few years over 100,000 people, mostly the Maya, would be killed.
        The USA declares that the reason for the coup was to stop a takeover by the USSR. In actual fact, the USSR had little interest in the country, not even maintaining an embassy. The real reason is economic – American companies (especially the United Fruit Comany in which CIA director, Allen Dulles, had an interest) would benefit from cheap labour, lax safety laws and a helpful government. The American company, Coca Cola, benefits when striking workers are killed by the military.

        A USA document (US Policy Towards Latin America) admits that the major threat to USA interests is “nationalistic regimes [that implement] immediate improvement in the low living standards of the masses”.

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        • hattery

          So what? You think the IRK, the MI-5,MI-6 and KGB hasn’t organized coups? You think it was the first one in history? Or one of the greatest significance?

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      • hattery

        Certainly modern warfare will be and historically has been heavily influenced by the largest and most powerful and technologically advanced nations of the world, and the politicians and dictators who don’t represent the people, historically have certainly abused supreme power.

        That’s a far cry from being “the root of terror”.

        Yeah, Babylon, (Mesopotamia), and North Western Africa and the “cradle of civilization” where the oldest war weapons and tools are found is probably the “root”… The “middle east” has always been the key focus of war. Simply because the “representatives” of the largest powers in the world tend to get involved and fight over influence over the region doesn’t make the US the “root” by any means

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    • goose20

      People like you should never step foot in the good ole USA!

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    • budh

      Every day innocents are killed by these suicide bombers, who are not Americans.

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  4. kapitalist

    Nothing says freedom and democracy like beheading minority group civilians! http://en.alalam.ir/news/1512664

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  5. tradingnymph

    More Wine Please, as long as I am not served a Meal of Clams, I can drink all night.

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  6. gatorsun

    MUR took it long 58.90

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  7. superb

    Unmarried Childbearing
    (Data are for the U.S.)

    • Number of live births to unmarried women: 1,607,773
    • Birth rate for unmarried women: 46.0 births per 1,000 unmarried women aged 15-44 years
    • Percent of all births to unmarried women: 40.7%

    1. 1.
    a person born of parents not married to each other.
    synonyms: illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock; More

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  8. theharper

    Is the PPT down?

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  9. AKwitdemBeamz

    Sadly, I’m not even sure I can default to questioning blackmail or coercion now. They are complicit.

    The world looks mournfully at America today.

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  10. brian

    You think the NASDAQ is broken again? I mean it has to be, TSLA is down.

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  11. ppt

    has the beefed up comments security helped to keep the vagabonds away?

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