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Fly Wins Again

This time my win came at the expense of Wall Street Fighter. How do I know this?

Palm Oil powered time machine.

Who’s next?

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  1. calvino

    I’m the fucking tell now huh. Well trade on your own, I am not going to say fuck all anymore. Except give Marty McFly here some conspiracy theories he can trade from. I never hold positions through earnings, unless I am up so big that it doesn’t matter anymore, and by breaking that rule I got crushed on Salesfucks. The only reason I even held the other five shares of tampon shoes is because I had to play catch up. Try to thank me for my intervention on your behalf and sending Isokuru Yamamoto down in the Solomons when I cleared my nose guns. The fucking carry trade is coming off. One more day to confirm and it’s done.

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  2. Mr. LIMM

    It’s done.

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  3. The Fly


    Ignore Jake. He’s some sort of disgruntled mid-level deal guy, who gets mad at plants taking in sun.

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  4. calvino

    Perhaps you are correct Mr. Limm. It has gotten facefucked on every rally attempt and kicked down the cellar for trying, all night. Le euro that is.

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  5. calvino

    Looks like Tuco had a nice day over there at his commercial RE post. I nominate Eli Wallach for his avatar – no one’s Lee Van Cleef out there. Better burn LEH til Fuld starts fingering you at his press conferences like Ackman, before even thinking about Lee.

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  6. ottnott

    You got Jake all wrong. He’s like a big cuddly stuffed toy.

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  7. ottnott

    Palm Oil powered time machine

    I mean it. Trust nothing powered by palm oil:
    Around 11:20 on the morning of May 15, 2002, the wife of one of the park attendants was following a forested public footpath through the park near Lake Tanganyika’s shore. Her destination: the Kasekela research camp where her husband worked two miles away. Walking behind the woman was her 16-year-old niece, who carried her aunt’s 14-month-old baby in a sling held firmly to her back.

    The trio had just crossed a dry streambed when they surprised Frodo feeding on oil-palm fronds only 12 feet (4 meters) from the path. As the spouse of a park employee, the mother probably knew that park rules bar children under 12 from visiting the park, and she almost certainly was aware of the mortal danger posed by chimps. Her shock and terror must therefore have been unimaginably extreme as she watched the 121-pound (54-kilogram) Frodo draw near, wrest the baby girl from the niece’s back, and disappear into the forest.

    By the time help arrived from the research team, Frodo had scrambled up a tree and was holding the limp form of the baby, which he had begun to eat.

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  8. MarketRaider

    I was thinking that Fly needs to change the “Fly Wins Again” line to “Fly Finally Wins”. When one reads “Fly Wins Again” it comes across as The Fly is a constant daily winner, which anyone who reads this blog consistently can attest otherwise. A classic example of false advertising if you ask me.

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  9. Gunners


    i’ll take eli wallach any day as my avatar. best character actor ever, bar none.

    LEH burns in hell

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  10. wow

    Wilbur Ross stays away from ABK, MBI… opts to invest in a company that will focus on the munis… Gaysparino follows up with an ABK “snag”…

    The CNBC Morning Zoo Crew looks like the wind was taken from their sails…next strategy, start pumping a 75bps cut… even though people are starting to turn around and consider if rate cuts are going to do more harm than good.

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  11. shane

    Does this contest have any rules? Did it end on a Thursday. I figured I better throw the contest when I got this message “yous gud jujment let the fly win or u wil get hert” I could tell from the spelling it was from one of his lackies and that I better do what they said. Thus throwing the game yesterday

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  12. Dinosaur Trader


    Yeah, I’ve come up against his lackeys before too… you see what they did to my avatar in the PG?

    Bad people. All of them.

    Still, you seem to be in a bit of trouble. The futures are down big this morning, and Gasparino refuses to rally the market until 3:30. So with “the Fly” short, you have a long day ahead…


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  13. Woodshedder

    So, your palm gets oiled, and then you do what to power your machine?

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  14. shane

    Looks like I am going to have to announce my buyout of WM earlier than expected. Let me get on the phone and get my bid of 22 out public. I’ll announce on Monday that my financial backer is Drew Petersen and that will “kill” the deal

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  15. JakeGint

    Actually, I own the firm. It’s the deals that are “mid-level.”


    Seriously, it’s not bust on Calvin. It was a karmic thing. I joined him on CRM, he stayed in, we got barbecued. He joined us in DECK, he got out 80%, I somehow knew it was going to be okay. Just one of those things.

    And Calvin, I totally know where you are coming from w. regard to bailing before earnings. It’s the smart thing to do, and I did not do it for CRM, which is probably the reason that I did not do it for DECK. Something about the “feeling” I’m getting (and watchingt the yen) on this market. Know what I’m sayin’?


    As for you Fly, for a guy from Brooklyn, you sure “gots” a thin skin. As they say in Monty Python, you may be looking for the Dept. of Arguments, but “this is ‘Abuse.'”

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  16. JakeGint

    Ott —

    That’s cute, but I’ll always prefer the cuddly elephant to the ineffectual jackass.

    And geez, learn to embed a link for Christmas sakes. You’re a relatively smart guy, for a Dem.

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  17. JakeGint


    The “warning” note from the henchman thing?


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  18. JakeGint

    Fly et al, FYI, take note at about 0:53 or so….

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