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My name is Rob and I'm a gregarious gentleman who travels and blogs. http://stophavingaboringlife.com/

South Beach: Sushi & All Fake Everything


Greetings from London,

Looks like I made all my flights and I just had the pleasure of passing 24 hours in South Beach, Miami. There are lots of cities that are cool for a night or two like many things in life, yes? While walking around today I got those Jay Z lyrics of “All Black Everything” in my mind only replaced with “All Fake Everything” if that makes sense.

South Beach is a spot where people from all over the USA and world come to party. I feel bad for those in search of a good beach because it’s basically spoiled with big old oil tankers; reminds me of Sentosa in Singapore but that is for another day. I just go there to make connecting flights to London and usually spend a night drinking cheap rum and eating sushi.


I was looking for a free shuttle downtown and I found South Beach Group. They own countless hotels and hostels and offer free shuttles to and from the airport. They also have a free happy hour where you can drink the type of liquor wrapped in paper bags and found in the hands of homeless men throughout the city. I usually have one or two before regretting it and hit up some sushi spot.

The sushi is great and I’ve concluded that most spots use the same fish; they just charge different prices. Tony’s is the place you hit up if a girl suggests it and you don’t want to look cheap. Moshi Moshi is good for lunch or whatever but if you’re like me; you’ll just hit Hiro Express which is decent, fast, no frills and reasonably priced. I hit that today with a friend and I’ll be back; it’s my new lunch spot.


South Beach is cool and probably cheaper than the Caribbean if you’re looking for a weekend of fun in the sun. That said, if you don’t have tattoos you may feel a bit left out; they seem to be all the craze. Only spot I saw more tattoos per capita was in Australia.

Also picked up the iPhone 5S; wow what an upgrade from the 4… Also, no wonder ZAGG was doing well, they want $40 for a piece of $@#$ing plastic? What a joke. I had to buy one though from the whole “insurance” of my new toy point of view. You do know that those covers cost like $0.30 to make and sell for $2 or so in places like SE-Asia; insanity. I’m glad to see their stock slowly slide into a black hole.


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Video: Oriental Market in Managua, Nicaragua


Above is a video from the Oriental Market in Managua, Nicaragua. This was taken before I left to go to the Corn Islands and on a Saturday so it was a bit busier than usual. I went yesterday and bought some New Balance kicks as well as a host of other items for a shockingly small price.

This is the largest market in Central America; it’s a zoo.

At about 45 seconds in; things get nuts.

Obviously you can see how you need to watch your stuff here, yes?

I’m off to Miami in a few hours unless the flight fills; fingers crossed.

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Granada & Finding a Dying Friend


I’m writing this from Granada, Nicaragua and tomorrow I’m off to Managua until I catch a flight to Miami. This colonial city is quite the sight and forget the tour scene; the scene is checking out the scene. These houses if you want to call them that take up entire city blocks. Imagine living somewhere so rugged that your front yard was behind 20 foot walls? Welcome to back in the day around here…

So I roll in yesterday after getting that standby flight and taking cab to see what’s happening. I ask where my friend is who is in his 70’s but has more plans for life than everyone reading this; even you. His door is open which is weird and he looks sleeping so I start being like “guy, yo.. guy” you know, the usual intrusive but not aggressive wake the @#$@ up we have things to do type style.

Nothing. Not long after I come back and  see he’s frothing at the mouth and barely breathing so I talk to the people who work here. One thing leads to another and I’m riding in the back of a Red Cross pickup truck to the local hospital. I’m going to start donating to them because what they do is exceptionally grand. It’s a free service and they saved my friend’s life free of charge. He was supposed to be let out today but he’s weak and looks like it won’t be for another day or so.

This morning the doctor told me what the deal was which I won’t repeat here but said if he hadn’t come in last night; he’d be dead. Heck, he looked half dead this morning and only tonight started taking solids and getting that spark of life back in his eyes. It’s easy to think what you do doesn’t impact the massive ripple effect that is the reality we live in; it does in every type of way. Sometimes it’s small but we have no idea how far it will travel before hitting shore; sometimes making that last flight and catching a cab saves a life.

Granada is cool, wouldn’t want to base myself here but am always down to visit and further check out the place. $5  for a shave and haircut, ~$1 liters of beer and enough street BBQ’s to make a vegetarian uncomfortable; what’ s not to like? It’s also got plenty of mind blowing churches; let’s just say they skipped no expense and had lots of labor handy. Oh yeah, being in a room that has a private bathroom, 1000 foot ceiling and is basically 15ft x 25ft with wifi in the city center for $15 a night isn’t bad either…



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Video: Panga Ride from Big to Little Corn Island, Nicaragua

I figure I’d share this with you now because if not, who knows when it will happen as *hopefully* I’m leaving the islands today. Boats like this used to be all they had; now there is a bigger boat which operates on Mondays and Thursdays. You’ll probably get wet on this so plan accordingly should you ever choose to come visit Little Corn Island.

I was the last guy in the boat the other day and forgot I had my passport on me. Since I was the last guy, I basically go the super-soaker experience and was careful about keeping my computer dry; that was a success while my passport, not so much. The ride takes about 35 minutes and it’s a good time but I still prefer hanging out in air-conditioning on the big boat; simply more civilized.

That said, if you get seasick, the rocking on the big boat may kill you. Finding music for these videos is a buzz-kill; probably could have had better music but I only get three free searches on Jamendo and you can rest assured this was the third search.

The little island feels a world away; because it is.


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Missed Flight & Backup Plans


I’m supposed to be in a wonderful mood and tell you about my new travel plans which have me going to North America, Europe and Africa but I missed my flight this morning. I’ve been running around like a lunatic trying to get paperwork and permissions in order to get the holy grail of Caribbean real-estate aka the building permit. All places have different styles; hills to climbs and hurdles to jump.

I finally submitted the full package this morning.

I could have sworn my flight was this afternoon but sure enough, it was this morning. I have friends who have been here a while and trying to get standby but with no luck. That said, they are a couple and it’s always easier to make room for just one more; yes? I’ve given myself plenty of time so everything is cool but if I don’t get on this flight things will get pretty uncomfortable and in a hurry.

The other option is take a plane to Bluefields as there are no boats running right now. Bluefields is a true dump and I’d land, get in a panga and spend 2 hours winding through these rivers on a speedboat while avoiding logs and debris before catching a 6 hour bus unfit for the road in most of the world to Managua. I’ve done this trip once aka the first time I came to the Corn Islands and I sincerely hope it was the last.

I need to be in Malta on the 8th of April.

So there we are, wish me luck.

Oh, this photo is form the east-side of Little Corn.

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$8 Dentist & Lobster Lunches


I’m hooked on cheap dental, I just can’t get enough of it. Let’s say that your body is your house, yes? If so, your teeth are most certainly your front door. If you have a dirty front door, what would guests think? It’s like when you end a long relationship and realize you look like sh!t, it’s time to clean up the house if future prospects who opt for the open house are to stick around and you know, lease or buy.

Getting your teeth cleaned for less than an appetizer at Dennys is something that turns my crank. Today we’re going to discuss a gem of a dentist that I found on Big Corn Island who has, arguably, one of the best waiting room views I’ve seen anywhere around the world. The cost of a cleaning is $8 and there is rarely a line; some gent had a tooth pulled before me; that didn’t look fun. The photo above was taken from his waiting room aka front porch.

This guy is oldschool medieval style with tools from horror movies. He also doesn’t use a seat as he prefers to stand. I’ll be straight with you, when I saw this scene developing I did cringe a bit but it was a painless clean. Some say I’m kinda nuts for getting my teeth done so often but I reckon that if you go all the time; you’ll never be scared of going. Getting your teeth cleaned often is like changing the oil in a car; much easier than having your engine cease.


When you’re getting dental done in the developing world your first question is about sterilization techniques. Sure it won’t look like back home but sterile is sterile, yes? I’m back on the Big Island now as I have become addicted to daytime power and fast internet. There is a spot near this view where you can drink cold beachside beers for $0.70 each which is basically the cheapest I’ve found anywhere on this planet. Who knows, after a few drinks it might be time to get a touch up before London? Why not?

I’m beyond over paying $140 for a cleaning back home. The dentist only comes to check at the end and give you a suggestion for some expensive treatment. The rest of the time you’re being herded through the cleaning stations like cattle and often being cleaned by some disgruntled dental hygienist; no thanks.

Off to Granada, Nicaragua on Monday; then London, England.

Speaking of $8; that’s the price of the lobster lunch above; hard to beat.

I’ve rode the ferries back and forth all week; I don’t miss commuting…

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White Water Rafting on the Pacuare River in Costa Rica

A year or so ago I went to Costa Rica a a guest of their tourism board and they set up some cool things for myself and a friend. One of them was white water rafting down the Pacuare which is a pretty famous river there with solid rapids. We hit up class III & IV rapids; I’d love to try some class V sometime but I’m in no rush.

The video above basically shows you what day two was like; day one was rather vanilla. I stayed at the Pacuare Lodge and I recommend it to anyone looking to do something similar. It’s upscale, lots of couples but I got along just fine and the rooms are really nice and the meals / service is even better.

It’s a taste of luxury living in the middle of nowhere; always fun.

Costa Rica is an incredible place; I particularly love the Osa Peninsula but more on that some other time. I do have  video of a dolphin safari which I’ll also share at some point soon.

This week is coming to a close and next week it’s back on the road.


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Staying Safe While Traveling


Want to stay safe when traveling?

I want you to look around where you are right now, what do you see? Think of it from the point of view of a degenerate with the intent on taking what is not theirs… Who do you see that looks flashy? Who looks like an idiot when it comes to street smarts? Who looks like they are holding some cash? Who has lots of jewelery?

Look, the world is one big reef and we’re all fish swimming around in it. Predators are always present and staying fed because they need to eat to live. The game is not to become a baitfish for a predator. Look around and if all the people around you were walking down an alley and a crew was going to jump someone; would it be you?

There is no way to stay safe but lots of ways to minimize your risks. I like to look borderline homeless with old dirty white t-shirts, cargo shorts and well worn shoes. I wear no jewlery and display no signs of wealth despite having deep pockets in my pants and secret ones on top of that. You see, lions go for the weakest in the herd and so do thieves. They want the fatest zebra they can find that is sickly.

In our world, we aren’t sickly but if we look disoriented and have meat on us aka things worth stealing we become singled out. Also, don’t be a fool and keep your eyes over your shoulders. The world isn’t as dangerous as people say but if you make the wrong step and play the fool; you’re gonna get it.

Walk places like you’re on a mission; humbly but confidently.

Also, looking dishelved and a bit rough helps; nobody wants to jack a skid who might stab them. I don’t have a knife but when I’ve been on the road a while I do look skidly by design. Sometimes if I feel eyes on me I act a little unstable like a tick in my shoulder; just let them know that they might get your gear but one of them will be left with scars and no thief or person for that matter wants that.

You’ve seen me in videos; now see me in Singapore at Billionaire.com’s first anniversary party… This guy would get jacked in a second walking around some of the places I’ve been. Same dude, dishelved and with old clothes has few worries… They say what counts is on the inside but let’s be real; we all still form opinions based on looks.

Look poor and you’ll live the richest of lives on the road…

Now that I’ve written this, I hope I don’t get robbed today…

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Fishing for Kings in the Caribbean


Good day,

There are lots of fish you can go for in life whether it’s at sea or on the streets. Some are happy eating grunts filled with grubs and worms; others like bonefish who are basically just skin and bones. I like a bit of meat on my bone, as long as it’s lean why not, right? Kingfish are one of the prized fish for their delicious white flesh and a fight fit for a king…

Some friends of mine are leaving and we decided to try our luck trolling the sea as we’ve spent enough time trolling said streets. Off the south-east end of Little Corn Island aka sea sickness alley this 13.5lbs kingfish struck with great vigor and zeal. My line started to sing and for a fishermen this beats any opera or alt rock for your average aka “normal” North American. That sound is what you go through hell to find while avoiding hooks in the hands and the odd sea urchin in the sands.

The fish started running and hard, we’ve had a few chats about the length of the line and I thought an old fashion spooling might just happen. It didn’t, the fish came to the boat and the deckhand aka dude who pulls the anchor missed with the gaff. At which point my friend and Captain called Randy took matters into his own hand and on the second turn said kingfish was flipping around like a junky at Tomorrowland on the floor.

We brought it back and it was delicious. Also, this lady has been jokingly asking for a big kingfish head to make a stew for months so her day finally came and she was thrilled. I’m writing this from a ladies porch on the big island; got here a few minutes ago . Turns out there are no rooms and most of the island has no power so this will probably just be a quick morning trip and head back to the little island for the weekend. Continuing the topic of fishing…

It’s become part of a daily routine and bonefish are prized fish where people pay huge funds to try their luck. Myself and crew have been catching them on the daily as well as small bait fish and tossing them out to sea with a sinker as the sun sets. It’s hardly romantic but a great time to catch a large bottom feeder with a cold brew and hot pipe. We’ve had 3 bait fish disappear on aggressive hits.

It’s not if that beast gets brought to shore, simply when…

Less than 2 weeks I’ll be in Europe and feeling indifferent about it all.

More fishing? Read about last years here.

Tips hat,

P.S: I have a video, stay tuned for that at some point.

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