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Russia’s Medvedev Says the Cyprus Deal is Akin to ‘Plundering the Loot’

“Cyprus’s plans to tax uninsured deposits amounts to theft, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said after the nation bowed to demands from creditors to shrink its banking system in exchange for a bailout.

“They’re continuing, I think, to plunder the loot,” Medvedev said at a meeting outside Moscow today. Russia is assessing the implications of a deal announced today, he said.

Russia turned away Cypriot Finance Minister Michael Sarris last week after failing to agree on concessions to ease terms of a 2.5 billion-euro ($3.3 billion) loan or provide new assistance. The country’s president, Nicos Anastasiades, agreed to shutter the island nation’s second-biggest bank as part of a 10 billion euro aid package from Europe…”

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