Joined Nov 11, 2007
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America Shows No Increase in College Graduation Rates over the last 30 Years

The OECD data show that the U.S. is making no progress on one of the most important tools for social mobility, college. If access to higher education in this country actually declines, as it is threatening to do, our inequality problem will become infinitely harder to solve.

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  1. fake amish

    college is a con for the masses. sure mathematics engineering doctors and such need the weeding out process and actual learning college offers. but for every lawyer you need 100 shit shovelers. fuck college. what is the only thing the hard left and hard right agree on? amazingly, the college con.

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    • fake amish

      america can not import people to do actual labor. the math does not work. someone from here. some american has to shovel the shit. college for everyone is a fallacy. a scam endorsed by both liberals and conservatives. debt slavery.

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  2. Yabollox

    Rich people would rather hire an illegal to shovel their shit. They work cheaper, they work hard. They get to know their illegal and like them. They want the best for their help. They want more illegals to be around to do the dirty work that US citizens expect to get paid for. So they support a lax policy for illegal immigration out of some kind of kindness. Cesar Chavez actually opposed illegal immigration. He saw the illegal immigrants as cheap competition for his farm workers union members.

    I have complete sympathy for the illegal immigrants who come here to work hard and make a few dollars to support their families. But they hurt the unskilled and semi-skilled US workers by lowering their employment prospects. And what the heck is wrong with Mexico? A beautiful country, rich in natural resources with a hard working people. Why do so many have to come here at great personal risk and expense to make a decent living?

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    • Raul3

      Take a small plane over southwestern USA…we’ve dammed off any water source headed their way.

      They come for the water, they stay for the food!

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