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WAKE UP: Courtesy of the National Lawyers Guild


“I hesitate to label this piece as “opinion,” because it is fact — rather than one’s editorial opinion — that the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) contains indefinite detention without trial provisions which violate a shocking number of Constitutional and international civil rights protections.

These imprisonment without trial provisions were drafted by a bipartisan group in Congress, and then quietly signed into law by President Obama on New Year’s Eve — after his administration withdrew an earlier veto threat on NDAA.

The lack of media coverage of this historic event has been stunning, and as awareness of the NDAA grows online, some individuals are seeking clarity as to what laws, specifically, are violated by the NDAA’s indefinite detention provisions.

The video segment below gives you a brief, two-minute rundown on the legal specifics, and the rights violated by the NDAA. Special thanks to the National Lawyers Guild; I’ve relied heavily on their analysis for this piece. Also, other leading legal and civil rights organizations, including the ACLU, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch (HRW) have come to similar conclusions about the NDAA’s unconstitutionality and threat to our democratic values.

At time of publication, multiple bills have been proposed in the House which would seek to “de-claw” or repeal the most egregious portions of the NDAA. The public’s support of such bills is, in my view, crucial at this time.

Legal breakdown of the NDAA:

[youtube://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufOE3Bd002o 450 300] “

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