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Richard Fisher Sympathizes With the Discontent The Occupy Wall St Protesters Have

Fisher talks of bifurcation and little employment opportunity being the root cause of the peoples frustration.

It’s funny how nobody is talking about the root causes to our problems. Why talk about the consequences when we do not fix the problems?

Even the president said today the protests are a symptom of frustration.

No the protests are a symptom of our economy being wrecked by criminal acts that have gone unpunished while the tax payer helps to pay criminals to stay in control….END OF STORY

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  1. Mad_Scientist

    So the solution is a massive communist govt takeover of business? That is not a solution to anything, that is a footstomp on our hand while we hang from a 1000-foot ledge. The INDIVIDUALS who broke the law should have been punished. We cannot turn around 2 years later and demand “Hey govt, punish the banks, punish this industry and that industry, regulate this one, take over and control that industry so they cant do xyz, and make sure this company z doesn’t make too much money” etc. That is a truly insane approach that will destroy this country and all the ideals it was founded on.

    People “against wallstreet” are against private enterprise and successful business. It is truly class warfare in a way that Republicans never dreamed they’d see when they accused dems of invoking class warfare. It’s way beyond some stupid sentiments expressed by democrats. What we are seeing is truly dangerous to our country.

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  2. TJWP

    Well said Cronkite, well said sir.

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