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What Will You Do?

What will happen, on October 1, when the US government stays open for business?

What will you do, when your month of bellyaching rolls over and dies, quietly and with little fanfare? How will you comport yourself, when the corpse of your fear is dismissively shoveled into the weeds to rot?

There will be no government shutdown, as that would be stupid. The freshmen (still not sophomore) Congressmen of the House have long since marked themselves weak. They had their chance to shutdown the government in 2011, after winning a landslide referendum of this very subject. The country put them in power, knowing they would shut down government. Because they said, “we’re going to shut down government.”

And what did they do?

Not a damn thing…

We’ve come too far for this nonsense. People no longer are willing to cede these freshmen the power to close up shop. They can cut the crap right now, because they blew it. They traded a mandate to shutdown government for a few cheap bills and an equal number of seats on a committee no one paid any attention to.

Now they can shut up. The Tea Party has no ability here. Boehner will be replaced by Pelosi; no other. So they can put the gun in their mouths if they want to. Lord knows, they seem to like that sort of thing. But what they will not be doing is accomplishing anything. They were too feeble to shut down the government when over half the country was cheering them on. Now three quarters of it are denouncing them.

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  1. From Gorby


    Is this a liberal post


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  2. TheHarper

    Dude, I love this post. You nailed it on the head.

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  3. matt_bear

    bravo, sir.

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  4. weegoody

    BUT…when news articles start popping up about how the US rating MIGHT drop…the markets will crap. it may be a small crap….like a skid mark…but the turtle head will appear.

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