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Joined Sep 2, 2009
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Fuck This

I spent the day in the heat, painting.

The healthcare decision was bullshit. How can you tax a product some people don’t want to buy? Fuck you very much, Roberts, I hope you choke on cancer you dirty turncoat.

If I thought Obama was going to win reelection, that’s changed now. They just threw a firecracker into an army ant nest. No amount of PR media spin bullshit is going to save the liberals from this. Democrat congressmen had better stay 1,000 yards away from any party convention center, because they’re dead.

My only solace is knowing that sometime in the next two years, we’ll experience a bond crisis, just like Europe – a.k.a. that place that we just have to be like because their healthcare is so awesome – and it will send prices soaring, effectively killing off all these jackasses I’m supposed to be insuring and driving anyone who promoted this from office.

We are very close to a purging fire. The people who pushed this are the same people who can’t balance a checkbook. We have a string of major events coming into the close of the year – the debt ceiling and the tax extensions being two of them. Let’s see how interested people are in buying bonds when they see fuckers like Rangel try and count on public television.

Meanwhile, in Europe, the old idiots are all still dumb. There was some rumor of a can kick. Okay, sure. Let me hear Merkel say it.

I guess if they want to destroy the euro, that’s fine. Commodities will keep falling, because the dollar will keep spiking until Bernanke can’t stomach it anymore. And a can kick in no way helps their economies.

I’m slowly gathering much silver for my person, almost like I have a bow tie on. Life’s grand in America now, aside from all that corporate destruction coming our way out of Europe. But the European implosion is a warning, as well as an opportunity. Commodities will continue to be eviscerated for the next one to two years – I wouldn’t be surprised if silver flirts with the teens. But it’s all a flight to safety. It always has been. After that, all I can see is the writing on the wall for the United States.

After Italy’s out of the way, the only thing staving off an American debt run is the ability of Chicago or Albany politicians, whose sole election strategy constitutes promising uneducated urban rats lots of bribes or building ponzi schemes out of public coffers, that this country is good for the money.

We are so fucked.

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  1. Highsurf

    You might want to reconsider some of the wording here. You meant “dead politically”, right?

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      Yes, their careers are over.

      However, the poor losing their lives should be taken literally, as starvation is not to be trifled with.

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  2. Under_Valued_Assets

    In exactly what form is your silver if u don’t mind me asking?

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  3. m1illion

    Welcome to the dark side. We should make t-shirts and bumper stickers, “We are so fucked.” I would wear it and so would plenty of others.
    Lawyers fixing what the bankers broke is not going to end well. Today was a giant leap towards a more communal society shall we say. It has been predicted that one day if the producers are outnumbered by the looters then the union will falter and fail. A tipping point. Days like today make you wonder.
    Roberts, did something very interesting though, and it is to his credit. He told the American people that this is your decision not mine.
    “We do not consider whether the Act embodies sound policies. That judgment is entrusted to the Nation’s elected leaders,” Roberts wrote.

    “Members of this Court are vested with the authority to interpret the law; we possess neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgments,” he continued. “Those decisions are entrusted to our Nation’s elected leaders, who can be thrown out of office if the people disagree with them. It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”

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  4. Marc David

    Seriously how is this different from a state requiring car insurance?

    Is that not a form of mandatory commerce tax?

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    • m1illion

      It is a little different.Driving a vehicle is inherently dangerous. It puts the lives and property of others at risk whenever it is on the road. And the States (not Feds) insist that you carry the means to pay for any damages you cause.

      In the health care argument, the government has imposed a condition on bot insures and the citizens. It requires that insurers cover things that they would not/do not cover now (pre-existing conditions) To pay for this imposition on the insurers, the Feds require that you must buy health insurance. The insures rightly say that the only way to pay for everything the government is now demanding they provide is foe everyone to participate. You are being forced to enter into transaction with insurers.
      You can argue all day about uninsured emergency room visits making premiums rise for those who have insurance but that is off the point.The Federal government now has the authority to make you enter into any transaction it deems beneficial to society as awhile.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler

      1) I don’t necessarily agree that I SHOULD be forced to buy car insurance.

      2) I can choose to not drive, however impractical. They have no business saying I can choose to live.

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      • m1illion

        1) I don’t necessarily think that car insurance should be mandatory either but enough people before us have demonstrated that there can be catastrophic costs incurred by driving a car. So states (again not feds) have required insurance to keep those costs where they belong, with the individual responsible and not everyone collectively.
        2) Absolutely true, you can choose not to drive and thereby avoid having to buy insurance.
        And that is the awful difference in the health care law and the SCOTUS decision today. There is no avoiding this transaction.
        It is absolutely unconstitutional but Roberts (imo) rightly told Americans that ” Hey, you elected these idiots to represent you so it is your bed to lay in. You don’t want this law? Elect someone else to represent you. I am not here to clean up your mess.”

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  5. Marc David

    I can’t imagine how awful it would be to opt out of any health care (because it’s my right) and then find out later I had some type of curable cancer.

    But since it’s a pre-existing condition, be denied by insurance OR be told I could do it but it will cost $100k or more.

    Health care should not be a business! (but it is.)

    It is the responsibility of a civilized first world nation to provide basic affordable health services.

    You can choose not to drive.. agreed.

    But what if you get into an accident via foot. You have no insurance.

    Are we supposed to see your ID bracelet and let you bleed out on the side of the road? Or is that part of the emergency services and I foot the bill for you anyway? When clearly, you could have but opted not to pay into the system?

    Now maybe this “Obummer” care isn’t the right approach. I admit when it comes to 1200 pages of legal bullshit, I can only read so much and understand so much.

    But basic affordable health care should be given to legal residents. (I stress legal)

    I am not seeing the arguments that it might not be “beneficial to society” as a whole.

    Could you not argue that since you do not drive or choose not to drive, you should not pay a single cent to roads (since you do not use them).

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  6. m1illion

    “It is the responsibility of a civilized first world nation to provide basic affordable health services.”

    This is a fundamental difference we have. My health care is not, in any way, the responsibility of government. It is my responsibility.

    It is not beneficial to society for those who will not provide for themselves to be cared for by those that do. Those that cannot provide for themselves are clearly a different matter all together. But in ever increasing leaps, money earned by productive members of society are being given to those who produce nothing. This includes everyone from bankers to welfare cheats. It won’t be long before the producers see no advantage to being productive. Where then will the money come from to subsidize the slackers?

    The road argument holds no water I think because those roads transport goods and services that I buy so of course I should contribute to their construction and upkeep.

    As for being denied coverage I agree that you should not be denied. But it is not for me to pay for it so that you are not denied. If insurance companies want to provide insurance then they must not be allowed to pick and choose what coverage or who to cover. Like so many these days, insurers want to profit without taking risk. That is not how the system works.

    “But basic affordable health care should be given to legal residents.”
    There is no “given.” It must be paid for. you want all to be taxed equally when clearly a family of four will use less health resources than a family of eight. I find it inherently unfair for both to pay equal sums for their use of those resources. And never mind the family that will pay nothing into the pool and still draw from the pool.

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  7. Marc David

    “It won’t be long before the producers see no advantage to being productive.”

    I’ve never meet such a person .. a truly productive person is by default productive regardless of implied limitations.

    Now a productive person who finds it easier to slack, one might argue they were a slacker in disguise as a productive person.

    The shrinking middle class is a given. And without that, you have no democracy. One might argue we are in a corptocracy already (run by corporations).

    In my uninformed opinion, it’s a matter of time before we go the way of the EU (entitlement generation). There will be exceptions but with 25% of the kids coming out of college living with their parents because “there’s no jobs” when clearly they are not open minded enough to hit the pavement, try their hand at business or look in other areas of the world, we may just have a generation of slackers by default.

    Why try when living with mom and pop seems to work?

    Now I’m off topic!

    Fair arguments. I really never thought this was black or white or as simple as putting some tax and problem solved.

    Might be the ONLY discussion I’ve seen today that was rational.

    iBC has many benefits. Educated, reasonable people being one of them.

    Unless you post this on the Fly bog and then … well … good luck!

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  8. m1illion


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  9. pitbull

    perfect piece of work ! been fighting facebook cheerleader all day ! ………….don’t get fined 25,000 like this guy anti obama bumper ticker….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqtSyXcItDc&feature=player_embedded

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  10. Catboots

    I guess I don’t understand why people don’t like controling the big insurance companies greed. Health insurance shouldn’t be a business. Romney is a big fat lier and hypocrite. My mom lives in Mass and she says everyone there has to have health insurance and they love it. He’s the guy that bought Mass theirs. How you you be so gullible and bought by the big insurance companies. It’s not in your best interest and matter not if you are rich or poor. They are controlling your minds and pocket books, and yes, you even want them to decide if you live and die. This bill will say you can’t get kicked off your health insurance if you reach the limit. It controls medicare costs and pays for most of the increase itself. etc. Don’t believe what you hear on Fox. Be smarter than that.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      You insolent, glib little asswipe. Let me inform you of a thing or two:

      1) I’ve worked in insurance for seven years, on both the actuarial side of the business and on the brokerage side. You know SHIT about insurance. Your entire understanding of the whole sector can be summed up with the phrase “insurance companies are greedy”. Fuck you. People like you are the enablers of the worst undertakings on the planet, and you are easily manipulated.

      Case in point: can you even tell me how much a typical insurance company makes per head? Or why the individual market has worse benefit options than the business market? Do you know the difference between an HMO, PPO, Traditional Plan, HDHP…etc? Do you know how these different networks have different discount prices negotiated with them and therefore can lead to different costs for similar treatments?

      Do you understand how risk modeling is conducted? Do you know the consequences of small errors in those models and the effect they have on a leveraged entities balance sheet? Do you perceive how excess reserves and higher rates could give the impression of “oversized profits”, when in reality those excesses will largely be absorbed in a few bad years of data that haven’t presented themselves yet? Do you understand that insurance is basically a positive carry trade with the potential for steep losses?

      2) Dipping so low to insinuate I’m “controlled” by Foxnews is just weak. Have you ever considered that saying “turn off Fox” basically marks you as a liberal stooge? Moreover, has it ever occurred to you that your irrational hatred of Fox is itself a means of keeping you from recognizing other viewpoints? I read about five separate news sources a day; Fox is one of them. And guess what? They tend to be better at delivering ALL content, including the stuff that they wish wasn’t happening.

      3) Your mother is a whore. And Massachusetts can burn to the ground.

      4) Your spelling is atrocious.

      Frankly, the only thing you’ve written over the entirety of that paragraph of nearly incomprehensible gibberish that I agree with is that insurance carriers should not be permitted to drop people who already have coverage over a preset time after they become sick.

      But guess what? That’s already the law. And it’s so popular, it will stay law.

      So hey, thanks for the “value added” comment. Next time, don’t post.

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