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So Ended The Public Unions – For Now

Permit me to take a moment from my normal duties on this day most halcyon to relish in the night’s gifts bestowed.

How much money did the likes of the SEIU throw at recalling Walker? Hah! They squandered their war chest, bussing in people (with nothing better to do) from across all corners of the country, and what did they get?

Scott Walker won the recall election against the same opponent by a wider margin than in the normal election a year and a half ago.

And more, union members are jumping ship so quickly, you’d think it was larruping against literal rocks. Only the most vocal, the most dedicated, and the most obsessed of the union thrall are holding loyal. This is a most welcome development. Soon, the days of union bosses and the repugnant dirty money they spread will be vastly diminished.

Their house is in disarray. It will only accelerate from here.

Now, the trick is to hold the course and not overcompensate. If the states continue to treat workers fairly, as professionals, we need never return to these dark times of political moral hazard and loose, dirty back room dealings at the expense of everyone else.

If however we let worker conditions deteriorate, we will quickly see a resurgence of these parasites.

It’s a tall order, particularly as the state of State finances is horrendous (for many of the same reasons it’s so important to reign in the public unions in the first place). It will be very difficult for states to manage their situations without some amount of worker backlash. I can only hope they pull it off; I cannot stand the false virtue of unions and their ignoble methods of pitting some workers against their fellows in order to retain power and wealth.

But for now at least, things look bright.

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  1. leftcoasttrader

    I’m not holding my breath. There are so many on the fringe of political power that believe unions are the devil reincarnated and want to see them burned at the stake.

    Long term, they will slowly cease to exist because they are unsustainable, but they aren’t going to die out because the pendulum of support has swung the other way.

    But I do appreciate the optimism. This is certainly a step in the right direction.

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      You’re probably right. Conservatives will forget what they were angry about to begin with, take it to far, hunt the unions as the “preferred punching bag” to the point of desperation, and unintentionally rekindle them.

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  2. Dave

    Well said the both of you. This was indeed a huge step in the right direction. I’d be so pissed off if I were in a Union, and that Union was wasting my money on shit like this. It’s absolutely no wonder members are abandoning their unions in droves.

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