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Joined Sep 2, 2009
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My How Things Have Not Changed

What gives? Wasn’t it just last week or something that you lot were throwing a Strauss-Kahn styled party in honor of the mighty Greek PSI deal. You couldn’t get enough hookers and/or blow to justify how awesome everything was going to be.

Now there’s already speculation of a Greek default again. You lot can’t even successfully handle the smallest, most pathetic of countries in the EU for more than 200 straight hours. What are you going to do when one of the bigger ones starts scraping the bottom of their budget?

Personally, I don’t care whether Greece defaults technically, literally, or figuratively, because I’m not in this for the Greek citizenry. I’m in it for the run on the euro that’s going to be happening pretty much no matter what you do.

And I’m playing off the horrendous economic calamity that has refused to relinquish European countries for going on one and a half straight years now. The hits keep coming; they have austerity, huge unemployment, and inflation, all rolled into one big Amsterdam special, and smoked through a water pipe.

Now maybe tomorrow, somehow, the money manages to save the day and spark a continued run to this rally. But I won’t care. The heart of this move has long been torn from its chest, and cast aside. If we get another run higher tomorrow; or another after that; it won’t change much in the big picture.

We’re in the first week of March, and already big, lingering, unanswered questions are popping to the surface. Mind you, the first week of March isn’t even halfway to securing all the funding these EU characters need to stave off collapsing their economies.

Eventually, the buys will fail to show up. And then, where does that leave you?

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  1. Montrose

    “And then, where does that leave you?”

    Up shit creek in a chicken wire canoe?

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  2. JakeGint

    It’s far more likely that the shammeo teeny tiny Greek economy (equivalent to the GDP of a medium size chain of Atlant Burger Kings) is being used to obfuscate something else.

    And what do you think that might be?


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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      I don’t know that the EU is self-controlled enough to willfully parade an issue to distract people from anything else.

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  3. Blind Read Ant

    The operatic EUR/USD news cycle would indicate its another BTD scenario.

    But, somehow, based on China slowdown and AUD/USD, is it different this time?

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  4. TJWP

    It leaves me 2 days to late for the March Madness contest.

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  5. Cindy Bindy

    Excuse me Mr. Thaler.. and with all due respect..including the days I was on a Tanquray bender… and I truly enjoy your thoughts… and yes I have been a complete ahole..and that being said.. should’t you look for longs here?

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      Lol, I don’t mind the gin bender days, even when you annoy me.

      Personally, I don’t need any more longs. I really need a good excuse to sell this hedging. At the end of the day, we’re each playing our own book.

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  6. Mad_Scientist

    You know Cain I was just thinking, with the media doing essentially a “pump and dump” of War-with-Iran Stock, I’m starting to get really annoyed now. It just won’t go away. They obsess about it day after day and no matter how many days pass by with people going, “Oh, Netanyahu didn’t bomb the mullahs today like we thought” they just keep pumping away.

    I’m starting to guess at the agenda behind this. I think Obama administration has instructed the media to play this issue constantly as a way to thwart an Israeli attack plan (if there actually was one – I still don’t think bibi will have the guts to do it). Obama probably thinks he can partially eliminate the element of surprise by continuing to ramp up speculation and discussion of this issue on a daily basis, and this will somehow influence the Israelis to decide against it, since the US keeps reminding iran to be on guard. They also promote the “regional conflict” fallacy and that is a way to keep oil prices elevated, which in turn tells Israel and all the unwashed masses looking on in fear and dismay at a potential “world war 3” (yeah, right), “An Israeli attack on Iran is bad for the world because it will destroy the world’s economy and obama-induced prosperity and cause World War 1 style bunker warfare and total war. We will make you the villain if you do it, Israel. You are villainous. Now play nice! Your wars cause world war 3, unlike our endless military adventures which always stay focal and limited and have no economic consequences!”

    They are already brainwashing where the blame and anger is to be pointed should it not go according to the obama administration’s wishes for purely diplomatic intervention.

    Also is there something antisemitic about the oil runup? If Israel attacks Iran, oil is 3 trillion dollars per barrel,(and again ‘destroying the economy’ so punishing Israel for defending itself should it decide to do so, with all the ingrates who will moan that this caused our economic problems and the media who will play up this fake notion) but if USA marches into Iraq, hey no problem, and if the whole world napalms Libya, meh.

    IF Israel did an attack on Iran, it would not cause a world war. I’m fairly certain of that. The media ignores the fact that a major ally of Iran is right now embroiled in civil war and civilian genocide. When one of Iran’s biggest partners has been neutered, that makes it even less likely for a ‘regional conflagration’ to develop out of it. Iran is a pathetic worm and Israel has dealt with hezbollah before. I fail to comprehend all the fearmongering except for political agendas which seem difficult to pinpoint but maybe include some aspects of what I proposed here.

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  7. razorsedge

    as i expressed earler .the only thing that could fuckm the pouch was iran, stick to american oil producers,eog is 1

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