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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Pre Debate Shit Show: Glenn Beck Snaps, says ‘Why Not Cover Me in a Bucket of Blood’

Long time fan boy of faux conservative Ted Cruz, Glenn Beck went on air today and lost his shit –mainly upset that Cruz caved after months of prayer and endorsed Trump — and maybe because Trump has been surging in the polls, especially in the all important swing states.

Observe as the beta male, Glenn Beck, loses his shit pre-debate, uncomfortable under the glow of D.J. Trump’s golden hue.


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BEHOLD: The Great and Wonderful iBankCoin Presidential Debate Page is Here

Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States of America, both legal and illegal folks traversing these lands,

Starting tonight, at 9pm sharp, “The Fly” will undergo a metamorphosis, from the world’s best finance writer to the world’s best real-time political commentator. I will live Tweet the debates and would also like you to enjoy the splendour of it on iBC, in favor of the oppressive and ugly Twitter.

Ergo, we’ve developed a page of sorts, one that will serve as a wall — separating the dignified renaissance seekers from the rot that permeates and infects the internet on Twitter.

You’re all cordially invited to attend.

We’re still adding a few bells and whistles, such as a comments section, Pepe the Frog, and of course a Hillary Clinton cough meter. For those of you willing to partake in a drinking game, an exercise in energetic juvenile spirits, I will be taking one shot of vodka per H. Clinton cough. I do not expect to leave the debates alive.

The markets have gone lower, negating last week’s bizarre melt up; but all of that silliness is behind us now. Exodus will offer succor in a time of uncertainty and Le Fly will offer a sageness (extra Thanksgiving) unseen in the political arena since the peerless President Reagan sent an anonymous note to Mike Dukakis — telling him that taking a photo shot inside of a tank was a very good idea.

Respectfully and with vigor,

Le Fly

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Now an Idiot Navy Sailor Won’t Stand for Pledge of Allegiance

Because a multi millionaire star in the NFL decided to defecate on the American flag, others of a weak minded, who aren’t multi millionaires, decided to copy his ‘activism.’ For this Naval sailor, unfortunately, that’s against the law.

According to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Janaye Ervin, could face imprisonment for failing to obey a lawful general order.

This is her explanation on Facebook.


How stupid is this social justice warrior? The culture has denigrated to the point of rot, as all of the Eddie Barzoons run around taking selfies of one another — trying to outstrip each other.

What these people fail to understand is the flag and its pledge doesn’t belong to the government. It belongs to the people, the ladies and gents who’ve fought under its banner and shed blood during the many wars this country found it appropriate to engage in. Those who refuse to honor it aren’t disrespecting the government, but the people who’ve sacrificed for the flag — especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. It’s unbelievably absurd to me to see this level of intellectual laziness permeate the culture, let alone our armed forces. You’d think if there was one place where patriotism and honor for the flag would be above all, it’d be the military. Apparently, morale isn’t too good and our personnel is bereft of the proper leadership that should’ve instilled a sense and honor and dignity for country in navy sailors like Ms. Ervin.

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Pre-Debate Poll: Who Will You Vote For?

All of my previous polls ended with Trump at 70%. This one is running at 75%, pretty much in line with the recent surge of Trump in polls. I realize my audience isn’t representative of America, since my followers are intelligent and not beholden to government to feed their families. Welfare folks aside (incredibly insensitive), I need some participation from as many of you as possible, especially the silent Never Trumpers and Hillary catamites.

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Twitter to Block Account of Turkish Journalist on Behalf of Erdogan Regime

When did Twitter explicitly become the Stasi for oppressive regimes on the internet? A widely followed journalist who writes for Huffpo, a true liberal in the sense he wants freedom for his people, was contacted by Twitter and told his account was to be blocked for ‘instigating terrorism’, a complaint levied by the Turkish government.


Really Jack?

Most leftists relished in the censorship when it only targeted conservatives. The unfortunate evolution of oppression is that it eventually encompasses all. The left will devour itself in its never ending quest to censor out the non-chic.

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Draghi to EU Member States: UNLEASH THE GROWTH

In a plea to EU nation states, ECB Chief, Mario Draghi begged members to unleash the growth from the caves and ancient cellars they’ve been keeping it. He’s finding his job incredibly woeful these days, mandated to spend $90b per month on asset purchases which are becoming increasingly scarce; thus the reason why rates are negative and the entirety of Europe’s bond market is a complete fabrication.

What Draghi wants is for the fucking Germans to stop being so German. He wants fiscal cooperation, which is Italian for ‘spend as much money as you possible can. This is Milan.’

“Europeans are calling on our institutions to bring tangible benefits to their everyday lives,” the ECB president said in testimony to European Parliament lawmakers on Monday. “Actions by national governments are needed to unleash growth, reduce unemployment and empower individuals, while offering essential protections for the most vulnerable.

Draghi has grown increasingly vocal in his calls for elected politicians to boost spending and reform their economies as the ECB struggles to stoke inflation. The central bank’s program to buy 80 billion euros ($90 billion) a month of debt faces scarcity concerns and its negative interest rates have prompted criticism by banks and savers.

“Low rates are a symptom of the underlying economic situation,” Draghi said. “Other policy actors need to do their part, pursuing fiscal and structural policies which will contribute to a self-sustaining recovery and increase the economic growth potential of the euro area.”

Investors are unleashing a can of whoopass on Draghi instead, sending the Eurostoxx 50 lower by 1.8% and German bunds to -0.11%.

Board the ark.

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Deutsche Bank Responds to Stock Decline: ‘No Question of a Capital Increase…We Are Fine and Very Comfortable Here’

A spokesman for Deutsche Bank issued a bunch of meaningless statements today, in an effort to quell fears that Europe’s largest bank is about to go kaput. All of this is reminiscent of the 2008 financial crisis when one asshole after the next reminded us that ‘everything was fine’ and ‘there was no need for new capital’. More often than not, the very next day they’d file an offering. It was egregious.

I find is hard to believe that DB won’t raise capital, considering their balance sheet structure and $8b shortfall to cover legal settlements with the US.

“John Cryan at no point asked the German Chancellor for the government to intervene in the U.S. Justice Department’s mortgages case,” a Deutsche Bank spokesman said, adding that the bank would meet its challenges on its own.

“There is currently no question of a capital increase. We are meeting all regulatory requirements,” the spokesman said.

In a separate television interview, the spokesman stressed what he said were Deutsche Bank’s strong credit portfolio and liquidity, and low value-at-risk.

“The third quarter is almost over and I can tell you today we are fine and very comfortable here,” he told CNBC.

Mediobanca said a rights issue looked inevitable.

“John Cryan always said that a rights issue would only be triggered by a larger-than expected litigation charge and it appears increasingly likely that Deutsche Bank investors will be asked to post bail for Deutsche’s past crimes,” Mediobanca analysts said in a note to clients.

The market isn’t buying it and has sided with the Mediobanca analyst instead.


Deutsche Bank has a market cap of $18b and a balance sheet of $1.8t.

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Crude Soars, Markets Plunge: What the Fuck?

First, let’s talk about what’s important. The yen is trading 100.44 v the dollar, a smidgen away from the 100 level which is supposed (allegedly) to bring forth the apocalypse. Instantaneously, robots will turn against humans and animals will break loose from the zoo, sending the human species into panic mode. Even suicide bombers will lose their purpose to live and simply cut their own heads off, quietly, in their bathrooms.

Gold is up and oil is surging by 2%. You’d think those two ingredients would make for a nice market breakfast, no?

Fucking wrong.

The Germans are at it again, this time ruining the world with their banks. The DAX is off by 2.2%, led by shares of Deutsche Bank getting clown slapped the fuck lower by almost 7%. These are fresh, all time, record lows, for Europes largest bank and bagholder of horribly bad Greek debt.

As such is the case, markets have diverged from oil — opening lower by 140.

For now, the gold mine and the ark (TLT) are the preferred denizens for market participants.

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Trump Camp is About to Unleash a Huuuge Ad Campaign

Trump’s senior communications director, Jason Miller, said the Trump campaign is about to unleash a $140 million ad blitz, of which $100m will be on the teevee, while another $40m will be in the digital format. The ads will be targeting battleground states, such as Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maine and New Mexico. Forty million worth of the ads will play nationally.

In other words, he’s gonna make ad agencies rich again.

To date, Trump has spent a fraction on ads compared to Clinton, $22m v $124m.

Considering Trump is +2 in the latest Bloomberg national poll, I’d say his campaign is operating at a much higher rate of efficiency than the government hacks in the Clinton camp.

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