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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Gentlemen, Get Ready for War, a Cyberwar: The Russians Did It

So Hillary Clinton’s crime machine was being exposed on a daily basis by Wikileaks, an organization they couldn’t control. They said they made Ecuador take away his internet access. The truth is, they might’ve already killed him or taken him to a black site. But the leaks didn’t stop and the Russians were, obviously, hack hack hacking away.

Lo and behold, the entire fucking internet is down, particularly Twitter.


Anyone find this to be a conincidence? One week after Biden threatened Russia with a super secret internet war, we get hit. Now if you’re the Russians and do not want the anti christ to become the next American President, would you strike first? Of course not. This is 4-d chess. Swallow the red pill.

The DDOS attack which is plaguing sites now might’ve been self inflicted.

A series of denial of service attacks on a major DNS provider spanning all of Friday have caused major issues across the internet, with outages of some of the largest sites and services experienced across about half of the U.S. —and now the Department of Homeland Security is getting involved.

Starting early Friday, assailants started a massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on DNS provider Dyn’s servers. Major sites like The Verge, HBO Now, CNN, Imgur, Paypal, and Reddit are all affected to some extent.

A new wave of attacks have brought down the websites for the New York Times, CNN, Netflix, Twitter, and the PlayStation Network, among many others. Amazon is experiencing some outages as well, but at this time it is not clear if the problems stem from the DDoS attack on Dyn.

Starting at about 11 a.m. eastern time, the attacks abated somewhat, and were mitigated by Dyn’s countermeasures. However, at 12:20 p.m. eastern time, the attackers renewed the assault, expanding the outages beyond just England and the east coast of the U.S. to a large portion of California and Texas.

“Dyn received a global DDoS attack on our Managed DNS infrastructure in the east coast of the United States,” Dyn executive vice president of products Scott Hilton said in a statement Friday morning. “We have been aggressively mitigating the DDoS attack against our infrastructure.”

AppleInsider has learned that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is “monitoring the situation” and the is “investigating all potential causes” of the outages.

The attack is aggravated by users continuing to hammer refresh following an unsuccessful load of a webpage.

The vector of attack is not yet known, with hackers recently having commandeered a network of surveillance cameras to perform a DDoS attack. Reasons for the assault, or the perpetrators are also not yet known.

Odds are the DHS sages will find that RUSSIA was behind the attacks that took away Joe Blow’s Netflix. This will really piss people off and cause them to want to have nuclear clown war with Moscow. Also, they’ll vote for Hillary, since Donald is a Russian spy.

In the meantime, while the internet is down, we have the main stream media to keep us appraised of any information we might need for the elections.

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Wikileaks Posits a Late Night Red Pill For You to Swallow

The media is totally butt-hurt over D. Trump’s reluctance to rubber stamp the validity of the election ahead of the election. This is something a submental spastic idiot would do, when taking into account all of the corruption, lies and wanton displays of election fraud being committed by libtards on the left.

The notion that the elections ‘are rigged’ isn’t something unique to America or this moment in time. As a matter of fact, our rigged elections are probably somewhat distinguishable when compared to all of the other autocratically run countries in Europe and let’s not even talk about Asia or S. America — where in Brazil politicians are being systematically hunted and executed.

It’s just that Americans expect greatness, which is the reason we’re rising up and demanding the fuckery must end. If, in fact, our country was rigging elections and also hauling ass for the benefit of the American people, odds are no one would be getting all pitched fork and fire torches right now. But the country has been gutted and the services provided to us have been shitty, and expensive; and God damn it, we’ve had about all we could stomach.

Almost every decision that is made is for the benefit of a foreign power. We see the horseshit in plain sight, the middle east disasters, the Iranian deal, the Chinese slave factories, the lack of a sane immigration policy, the neocon agenda of wars, etc.

This from Wikileaks.

Good night.

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Is the Ultimate Birthday Present Awaiting Hillary Clinton on October the 26th?

This must be addressed and fast. Will the benevolent hackers from the internet return what was lost by HRC on her birthday and release all of the emails that were inadvertently deleted?

After all, she’s awfully sorry that it had occurred.

Famous internet entrpreneur and professional troll, Kim dot com, proferred this question several months ago.

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Alibaba President: ‘China is Not a Bubble’

That’s not exactly news coming from China’s biggest retailer. It’s not like the white man in China was gonna say ‘this country is fucking fucked.’ Nevertheless, Mike Evans made an elevator pitch as to why China is so awesome.

The share price of BABA has made a fool out of all the short sellers over the past year, up 44%. This is a widely demonized company, with a CEO who has a head shaped like a carvel football iced cream cake. Some people inside China view Jack Ma as the anti-christ himself — others just think he’s an asshole. Either way, Jim Chanos is in agreement.

Here is Jim trying to destroy the entire country of China with his greasy rhetoric.

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In Light of the Project Veritas Videos, Newt Gingrich Begs the Question: WHERE IS THE FBI?

There is video evidence of gremlins connected with the DNC and Clinton campaign to cause violence at Trump rallies. These idiots can’t even be effective criminals without getting bagged by a hidden camera. This is the height of libtard incompetence. None of you should come within 100 miles of the nuclear bomb codes.

Where’s the fucking FBI? Why aren’t they investigating this?

Although I think Newt is a CFR stooge and secret member of the trilateral commission, whose sole purpose is to create a ‘death star’, he is smarter than all of the retard level IQers at the DNC combined.

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Alan Greenspan’s Wife Given Marching Orders by Clinton’s Press Secretary on National TV

What sort of shit is this? This is how journalism was practiced in 13th century England, under King Edward Longshanks.

Watch as Hillary’s press sec/catamite types a bunch of shit into his phone and then hands it to Andrea Greenspan aka Mitchell, just before she asks her a question.

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Wikileaks Promises a ‘Surprise’ for Tim Kaine and Donna Brazile

Oh boy. This doesn’t look promising for the future Vice President of the United States.

Will they reveal that Tim is actually the head clown that has been menacing the country — luring children into the woods?

If you remember, Brazile was utterly humiliated by M. Kelly last night.


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Wikileaks Email to Obama Reveals Policy to Stack Cabinet Candidates by Race Instead of Ability

When it comes to the safety and security of the nation, affirmative action should never play a role in the hiring of individuals. We need the very best and the very strongest leaders to run our government. Unfortunately, we elected a very divisive and polarizing person — who angled from day one — to base his decisions on race and not the purest form of meritocracy.

Here’s an email addressed to the President, discussing candidates for his cabinet — which entailed black, latino, asian and middle eastern Americans. Apparently, white Americans were a priority, to be excluded.

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2008-10-06 20:38
Subject: Diversity
Barack —

Following up on your conversations with John over the weekend, attached are two documents:

— A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, divided between Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant Sectetary levels, as well as lists of senior Native Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans and Disabled Americans. We have longer lists, but these are candidates whose names have been recommended by a number of sources for senior level jobs in a potential Administration.

— A list of women, similarly divided between candidates for Cabinet/Deputy and other senior level positions.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

— Mike Froman


Here are the documents tied to Barack.

Incidentally, Michael Froman is now a US Trade Rep and was instrumental in creating both the TPP and TTIP.  

h/t: ZH

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Wikileaks Email Ties Democratic Agitator Group Directly to DNC

Over the past three days, James O’keefe has published expose videos — revealing wanton fuckery of the first magnitude by insidious members of the democratic party. Hillary Clinton couldn’t be bothered with O’keefe’s chicanery, nor could the White House.

Up until now, the bastardized version of democracy practiced by Creamer has been shrouded by obfuscation — protecting the DNC by his flippant denials — in spite of the fact that he’s visited the White House more than 340 times since 2009. Think about that, pal.

Alas, thanks to our friends in Moscow, by way of Wikileaks, we get to peer into the abyss and uncover the foliage covering the rot and the waste of the DNC — the very lowest persons in the history of the world. This is agitprop redux, the sordid blend of intoxicating power and corruptness that ruins empires.

Here is Creamer’s email to Luis Miranda, the Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee.

Democracy Partners is a snake pit filled with sub-human pawns — controlled, invariably, by faux Kings for their false Gods. Believe me, this isn’t unique to the DNC; we’re only hearing about it now. I am certain there is a checkered pants version of corruptness in the RNC as well — something that Trump has talked about — ad nauseam, since the start of his campaign. But you don’t want to hear the message — because you’ve been told the messenger is an orange, pussy grabbing clown — which is a distinguishable difference from the pole-choking zealots who infect and disease our airwaves and our people with their cantankerous ‘news’ and opinion that has split this country asunder.

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