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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Wikileaks Love Letters, Starring The John’s, Harwood and Podesta

These emails keep getting dumber, more inane, and also somewhat romantic. I’d like to show you today’s batch of stupidity, fresh from Vlad Putin’s Siberian server farm, by way of Wikileaks.

On July the 20th, 2015, the hard hitting journalist, John Harwood, emailed the head of Clinton’s campaign a question of extreme importance.

When running and ‘it’s super hot’, what should I do?

Podesta replied: ‘hydrate’ you fucking idiot.


Harwood asked Podesta if he thought Biden would enter the race. This is a question Harwood would ask  regularly, used as a tool to pest Podesta with.

Podesta replied ‘not really’, then proceeded to go on a tangent about The NY Times’ only conservative writer (one is too many!) Maureen Dowd, calling her column ‘graceless,’ ‘tasteless’, and ‘painful.’

Ordinary butt hurt stuff.

Podesta insisted that Hillary would not ‘explode.’


Just when the media started to call into question Hillary’s conduct in Benghazi and discuss the fuckery of her emails, only then did libtard John Harwood ‘appreciate’ media ‘shit storms.’

Podesta replied ‘about time’ you little fucker.


On September the 28th, 2015, John Harwood asked Podesta out to a dinner date. I’m guessing it was someplace romantic, maybe with candles and lots of pictures of John Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.


Harwood: hi, take a look at my Sanders interview.

This man is a microbe.



And there you have it. As you can see, CNBC’s Harwood is totally objective and also a hard hitting journalist who just wanted to have dinner and partake in moronic banter with the head of Clinton’s staff.

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Wikileaks: Clinton Propaganda Operative Wanted Funding and Planning to ‘Swiftboat’ Trump With Smear Campaign

Hitler had Goebbels. Clinton has Joel Johnson, professional narrative writer for the Clinton campaign aka agitprop.

Out of all the Wikileaks, this is one of the most damning, especially in light of all the very ugly women stepping forward — claiming Trump groped them.

This document proves intent to smear Trump with lies and deceit.


So, Joel wanted to have funding to ‘unleash’ a bunch of bullshit PR through their spiderweb of media outlets working for them — well in advance to avoid half assing it.

I’m certain the media will be all over the Clinton campaign, asking hard hitting questions about this email and what it meant.

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Yield Curve Steepens; American Petrol Banks Continue to Surge

With all this talk of Fed rate hikes, the 2-10yr yield curve has widened significantly to 92bps from 72bps. The difference from this goes directly into the coffers of your local banker, which is why banks are doing so well now.


None better than America’s equivalent to petrol-banks — regional players in the southwest, especially Texas. While many of these banks, like CFR, will deny being a petrol bank, their businesses are heavily dependent upon the health of the oil business to stay profitable.

Remember when oil was tanking and everyone was freaking the fuck out over CFR? Well, since then, oil has nearly doubled and CFR has moved higher by 30%.


For the year, southwest regional banks are higher by 21% — absolutely poleaxing the broader averages. It’s a novel way to play the oil sector, without having to actually buy into it.

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Wall Street Awakens to Merger Monday; Let the Money Flow

The joys of free money washing across the bows of Wall Street. This is what you call ‘Merger Monday’, starring a litany of deals that stokes investor interest to find the next one. If you’ve been shorting stocks and generally rooting for the world to burn, this is not what you wanted to see upon waking up from your hibernation.

This speaks to the virility of man, the punching of corporate America to make themselves bigger, leaner, and more profitable. With all of the ‘synergies’ about to take place, one should expect share buybacks and wanton firings, as these companies merge.

$T is buying $TWX for $85b

$AMID is buying $JPEP for $2b

$AMTD is buying Scottrade for $4b

$COL is buying $BEAV for $6.4b

China Oceanwide is buying $GNW for $3.8b

As an aside, shares of $SYT are plunging this morning, on news that their arrogant suitor, Chem China, offered no concessions to the European Commission, with regards to competition concerns. I haven’t the slightest clue would those criminals in the concession want, maybe a bribe or two? But it looks like that deal could be dying — which might be great news for the newly formed evil combination conglomerate of Dow Chemical and House DuPont. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could buy $SYT and dominate the industry?

Futures are up strongly and Hillary Clinton is up a gazillion points in recent rigged polls. You should expect to see a nice rally out the gates — followed by even more rallies into the close. I will be selling short a handful of companies this week, after revealing my FIST OF DEATH plays in Exodus. As a short seller with cash, this rally is precisely what you’d like to see — heading into what could be the very worst holiday shopping season in this history of mankind.

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To all of you libtards drooling over yourselves with hurt feelings because of the content on this site: GO FUCK YOURSELVES. Your small pea brains could see this and still come out saying no one got shot in the head. You have walking around, retard level IQs, perfectly willing to elect a corporate mercenary regime because you think she’s progressive. There isn’t a liberal party in this god damned country. They’re all neocons, all the time, all the way.

But that’s not what I decided to talk about this evening. It’s a matter of principle that you understand my motivation. This is a once in a fucking life time opportunity to lampoon these knuckle-draggers — siphoning content from their personal emails, exposing their pebble sized brains. They’re savage criminals and I’d like them to leave my country.

Also, if you haven’t noticed, the market is so fucking boring. It’s like watching paint dry, while atomic bombs and drunken bar fights are happening down the block. Would you rather I discuss the set ups in the trannies, or talk about JOHN FUCKING HARWOOD and his homosexual proclivities towards JOHN PODESTA? This is all very classic stuff for me.

there’s a penis on this chart

Also, might I add, iBC is my sole concern now. I threw away that annoying 7 figure occupation that I had for 18 years and decided to talk to the people, full time. There’s a chaotic honor in that. I’ve been blessed with the gift to create great prose, a genetic advantage of mine — being that I am a direct descendent of a world class writer.

Pardon my superfluities. I have a penchant for becoming obsessed with things. I’ve gone through fixations that have lasted years, like the time I quit coffee for earl grey tea, or the time I only listened to classical music, or 1940s jazz, or reading every classic piece of literature ever made, or reading random essays by the greats, or watching more than 500 movies for two years in a row, or stocks, algorithms, financial tools, writing blogs, smoking pipes and learning about tobacco, martinis, watches, balsamic fucking vinegar, high end extra virgin olive oil, the art of coffee, fitness, bio-hacking, acquiring wealth, acquiring clients, firing clients, reading and collecting old newspapers and first edition books, watching documentaries and biopics, astrology, horticulture, architecture, the robber barons, wine — the list goes on and on and on.

I am not your ordinary finance writer, so don’t expect me to behave in a conventional method. I am here to win the culture wars, in the most heinous of fashions.

Plus anyway, have you seen the traffic charts for some of the finance sites out there? Absolutely dreadful.


In about a fortnight, the election will be over and the markets will begin to cascade lower — as the H. Clinton regime prepares to seize power. All of the nuclear missiles in Vlad Putin’s arsenal will be shined up and fueled — readying to depart for US of A (extra Borat). As a planetary species, we probably have like 6 months left before the roaches take over, so pardon me as I indulge myself in the election of a lifetime — the all-time match between the orange pussy grabbing clown versus the head on a stick balloon gawker — a political carnivale hastened and fortified by hacked emails and the most egregious under cover videos the world has ever seen.


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President Obama Dances with the Bedraggled Usher in Final State Dinner

There’s a certain arrogance, decadence to it all. Our Commander in Chief, Barrack Hussein Obama, caught dancing with another rapper/r&p singer — in the final state dinner for his administration. Over his tenure, he’s welcomed in all of the promoters of criminality that have infected and diseased the black culture in America — from Rick ‘Boss’ Ross to Jay z to Nicki Minaj, etc.

Here he is, keeping it 100.


Jesus fucking Christ.

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Hillary is Up a Gazillion Points in Latest Polls, Wikileaks Emails Points to Polling Chicanery

In the latest round of polls conducted by the DNC staff at ABC, they showed her lead grow viagra long to 12 points over Trump. This is a clownish number, one that cannot be taken seriously — especially up against the backdrop of the IBD poll — which says Trump is +2. It’s worth noting, the IBC poll was the most accurate poll during the 2012 campaign.

It’s been widely stated across the interwebs how the polls are inherently rigged, and that’s not sour grapes. If the pollsters are asking 10-15% more democrats who’d they vote for this election, then logic dictates Hillary’s numbers would crush Trump’s. The notion that her ‘ground campaign’ is strong and that democrat voter registration is crushing the GOP’s, as a rationale to poll more dems, is simply a lie. If anything, the pollsters should include more republicans than dems in their polls, considering Trump’s populism is causing many more GOP registrations than democrat.

Via Former KGB Boss, Vlad Putin, Via Wikileaks:

It appears some top Clinton consultants were scheming about how to oversample the polls — back in 2008. This isn’t new and only points to the fragile nature of how polls could be rigged.


That being said, will Trump win? Not a chance. If the power structure is this corrupt and so desperate to get their woman in, I have no doubt they’ll manage to get Hillary elected, in order to finish off America with a Mortal Kombat like fatality move.

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China’s Housing Bubble Achieves Absurdity: People Are Divorcing in Order to Buy More Homes

Over in the great dog-eating nation of China, where daycare entails bringing your child to work to be chained to a wall, there are curbs on how many homes a person could own. Since the housing market is so fucking awesome, with prices up a mere 30% over the past 9 months, greedy gamblers are staging fake divorces in order to buy MOAR — like animals.

After all, what could go wrong?

Earlier this year, Mr. and Mrs. Cai, a couple from Shanghai, decided to end their marriage. The rationale wasn’t irreconcilable differences; rather, it was a property market bubble. The pair, who operate a clothing shop, wanted to buy an apartment for 3.6 million yuan ($532,583), adding to three places they already own. But the local government had begun, among other bubble-fighting measures, to limit purchases by existing property holders. So in February, the couple divorced.

“Why would we worry about divorce? We’ve been married for so long,” said Cai, the husband, who requested that the couple’s full names not be used to avoid potential legal trouble. “If we don’t buy this apartment, we’ll miss the chance to get rich.”


On the whole, the real estate market “apparently cooled” in October following targeted measures rolled out in first-tier and some second-tier cities, China’s National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement. Local governments in at least 21 cities have been introducing property curbs, such as requiring larger down-payments and limiting purchases of multiple dwellings in a bid to cool prices.

In the first three quarters of 2016, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, average prices for new homes rose 30 percent in tier-one cities such as Shanghai, and 13 percent in smaller, tier-two cities.

A mere 30% in 9 months. NEW RECORD!!!


In many cities, the price per square meter for undeveloped land has risen higher than for existing apartments on a comparable plot next door, a situation the Chinese describe as “flour more expensive than bread.”

That’s sounds normal.

“Usually the market moves in tandem,” said Patrick Wong, an analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence in Hong Kong. “It’s quite dramatic to see tier-one cities need tightening and lower-tier cities need relaxation.”

There’s some risk that such measures will succeed too well. In a Sept. 28 report by Deutsche Bank AG, economists Zhiwei Zhang and Li Zeng estimated that a 10 percent decline in housing prices nationwide would lead to 243 billion yuan in losses for developers. Consumer spending could fall, too, since people have taken on more debt to buy property. Mortgages accounted for 23 percent of new loans in 2014, compared with 35 percent in the first half of 2016 and 71 percent in July and August.

“The potential macro risk is alarming,” Zhang and Zeng wrote.

“The only thing I know is that buying property won’t turn out to be a loss,” said Cai, citing two decades of rising prices as proof. “From several thousand yuan a square meter to more than 100,000 yuan. Did it ever fall? Nope.”

Will it ever fall? Nope. Taking into consideration the level of debt and NPLs haranguing China, I’d say this is the single most important macro trend to watch.  Speaking of which, my FIST OF DEATH short sales have been released in Exodus.

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Wikileaks: Reuters ‘Journalist’, Mark Hosenball, Offered to Smuggle Benghazi Investigation Document to Podesta

If the reporter, Mark Hosenball, was ‘reluctant’ to make copies of a sensitive Benghazi related document, due to its content, then why the fuck was he offering it to Podesta — considering that Hillary Clinton was being called to answer for her scandalous actions during the ordeal?

What the fuck is wrong with these people? When they took the job to become a journalist, is this what they dreamed of doing? He’s nothing more than a spy for the Clinton’s posing as a Reuters reporter.


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In private communique obtained from the offices of Vladimir Putin, by way of Wikileaks, we learn today of what could be the biggest fucking lie John Harwood, CNBC fucked face, has ever told.

In a quick and garrulous note from Harwood, who must’ve been bored as fuck with nothing to do, he asked the very slender and fit John Podesta what his time was for running a mile.

John Podesta, shit talker and victim of Russian hacking exercises, destroyer of the Hillary Clinton campaign



‘Roughly’, he quizzed, ‘what’s your pace’ — mate?

Podesta quickly rebuked him, saying ‘why do you want to know that?’ He then alluded to the idea that Harwood might be using this information to chase him from his house to the office — ordinary retarded level libtard conversation.

Then he posited: “8:30 mile(s). You?”



Joyfully and with great pleasure, Harwood stated that he was devoid of knowledge, an idiot when it came to knowing anything about fitness, freely admitting he was using the 67 year old Podesta as a ‘benchmark for being in good shape,’ considering that he (Harwood) was a fat barrel ass — always loitering about the dinner table.

He concluded the email, like a dick, stating he ran a mile at 8:15 — rubbing the salt good and hard, saying ‘that’s fine, but still sounds kinda slow to me.’

What sort of priggish monster asks a 67-year-old his running time and then says he ran faster, but that it was still kinda slow? If John knew the first thing about decorum, he’d say he ran that fucking mile at 3 minutes flat — like a champion speed racer — leveling the self-esteem of Podesta — thereby forcing him to grant as many interviews as John wanted. Or, he’d admit to being a booze hounding sausage eater who ran a mile in twenty fucking minutes, making Podesta laugh and also feel good about himself. After feeling sorry for Harwood, he’d probably grant an interview, or maybe even suck his dick.

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