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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.


One of the largest digital ad service agencies in the world, AppNexus, has kicked one of the most visited websites in the world, Breitbart.com, down an idle sewer drain — for violating hate speech rules and for being news of the faux varietal.

A shill for the company, Josh Zietz, said Breitbart violated a strict policy of inciting violence. This, of course, is butthurt cuckery at its finest. Breitbart is a lot of things — but inciting violence isn’t one of them.

“We did a human audit of Breitbart and determined there were enough articles and headlines that cross that line, using either coded or overt language,” he said.

In other words, in their opinion, some of the titles used by Breitbart might’ve been code words for calls to violence. Very intriguing stuff.

Zeitz insisted that the ban and pursuit to demonetize Breitbart’s efforts had nothing to do with the recent fake news hysteria, a struggle that the cuckolds at Facebook and Google are in the process of tackling. Instead, it was all about VIOLENCE, the type of revolt that caused millions of people to head out to the polls and remove the most corrupt candidate for President in the history of the United States from contention, much to the chagrin of the ad-losers at AppNexus.

“This blacklist was solely about hate speech violation,” fucked face said.

The ban will most certainly have an effect on Breitbart’s bottom line. It’s worth noting, AppNexus is backed by Microsoft, News Corp and WPP — second only to Google in digital ad services.

I’m sure it’s all just a coincidence that AppNexus felt they had to take action now, AFTER the tsunami of tears from melting snowflakes — emanating from the broken and disheveled faces of the Hillary Clinton cadre of elite, walking sticks —  demanding that action be taken. They couldn’t stand the fact they finished second and weren’t given a consolation prize — instead told to fuck off and to go home. Now their minions are scouring the internet, care-trolling like never before, out to stop hate speech and FAKE NEWS, which, incidentally, resides solely in the ‘alt-right’ genre of news and information.

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German Court Rules in Favor of Sharia Police in Germany

The suicide of the west is at hand and its epicenter is in nazi Germany.

A German court ruled in favor of a Sharia community police force — unsanctioned by local police — that takes it upon themselves to patrol their city to tell people to fuck off and to stop drinking, gambling or maybe permitting their wives to be outside, unchaperoned after dusk, or ordering female residents to cover their entire faces — because Allah said so.

This is Germans being Germans — naturally attracted to a totalitarian sect that wants to kill jews and gays, interested in world domination, just like Hitler.

The ultra-conservative Muslim group around German Salafist convert Sven Lau sparked public outrage with their vigilante patrols in the western city of Wuppertal in 2014, but prosecutors have struggled to build a case against them.

The city’s district court ruled that the seven accused members of the group did not breach a ban on political uniforms when they approached people while wearing orange vests bearing the words “Sharia Police”.

Judges said there could only be a violation of the law – originally aimed against street movements such as the early Nazi party – if the uniforms were “suggestively militant or intimidating”, a court spokesman said.

In this case, they found that the vests were not threatening and noted that one witness said he thought the men were part of a bachelor party.

The same court had already thrown out the case last year, but was overruled on appeal by a higher court which agreed with prosecutors that the ban on uniforms could be applied in this case.

The “sharia police” members walked the streets of Wuppertal in September 2014, telling nightclub-goers to refrain from drinking alcohol and listening to music, and arcade customers not to play games for money.

Lau, the organiser, is one of Germany’s most controversial and best known Islamist preachers. He is currently on trial in a separate case on charges of backing “a terrorist group” fighting in Syria.

So-called “sharia patrols” by sometimes violent radical young Salafists have also been seen in other European cities such as London, Copenhagen and Hamburg.

Hitler in a headscarf. Germans have no balls.

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MAGIC: Jack Dorsey’s Twitter Account Suspended From His Own Platform

You’ll be hearing about Twittergate soon. Just know, the CEO of Twitter has fucked with the wrong sort of obsessive compulsive people — who obviously hacked into and suspended his account. Or, maybe simple Jack said something on Twitter that violated his own terms of service — leading to a self-imposed ban of the retarded nature.

Nevertheless, BIG wins come in small packages. For all of the good people from the darkest corners of the interwebs in search of vengeance against the Twitter cognoscenti, here is your Thanksgiving present.

UPDATE:Unfortunately, Jack’s twitter ban was short-lived — albeit diabolically delightful.

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Libtard Uses N Word During Live CNN Debate With Black Conservative Guest, Causing CNN Host to Melt Down in Tears

We’re living in perilous times, gentlemen. There are morons amongst us and they’re not right in the head, if you get my drift. Case in point, below is a clip of a former NY Times reporter,  during a live CNN debate versus a black Trump surrogate, using the N word, plainly, in an attempt to brandish Trump a racist. It was a magnificent display of sheer tone deafness, one that started a slow burn in the host which ended in total meltdown.

This CNN broadcast had all of the perfect ingredients to cause a well meaning CNN reporter to completely lose her shit. There was the caustic libtard using the N word. Then there was the soft spoken and eloquent black American Trump supporter trying to discuss racial unity at Breitbart and the Trump administration. Then finally, after a 5 minute conversation about race, the caustic libtard tossed another race laden grenade at the nice black man — causing the CNN host to end the debate and cry.

Behold cuckery at its finest.

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Trump Says Hillary Investigation ‘Not Off the Table’, But ‘Doesn’t Want to Hurt the Clinton’s’

Early this morning, the Morning Shill with Mika Brzezinski said Trump wasn’t interested in pulling a fatality move on Hillary Clinton via a criminal indictment of the crimes she committed by using her email server. In his meeting with the NY Times today, he didn’t rule out a Clinton investigation, for those of you trying to determine if he’s playing 4d chess or not. I know the media is having a field day, trying to paint Trump as a flip flopper on the issue. But, he clearly stated the topic WAS NOT off the table. Saying that he doesn’t want to hurt the Clinton’s isn’t the same as definitively saying the email matter was closed — for those of you unable to discern rudimentary english.

Now, his meeting with the NY Times is producing even more outrageous headlines, such as The Clinton Foundation has done good work, global warming cuckery and a subtle but distinctive distancing away from the alt-right crowd — which got him into the White House.

Maggie Haberman of the NY Times was at the meeting and was living tweeting some of the highlights.

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Wholefoods Robbery: Organic Thanksgiving Ingredients Up 26% From Last Year

For plebs or persons comfortable ingesting large quantities of cancer giving chemicals, Thanksgiving ingredients rose 7.6% to $94.63, year over year. But for organic-assholes like me, prices have fucking skyrocketed by 26% to $134.95. For those of you pondering where inflation is being buried, it’s in the aisles of organic grocers — like Wholefoods. I have a hard theory on why this is happening — all stemming from the dichotomy in the economy, between the haves and have nots. Inflation for the rich is in the double digits. And those assholes, like me, eat organic food.

Bear in mind, I’m not religious about eating organic food. Being a fatalist, I’m not scared of death, or even a harrowing one via inorganic foods. Nonetheless, my grocery bills for a family of 5 are beyond absurd — at $3,000-$3,500 per month, not including fine dining out with my dickhead friends.

The vast majority of my produce comes from local farms in the Princeton area. But I do plenty of shopping at Wholefoods as well and I feel like a victim every time I insert my debit card into their god forsaken money collecting machines.

For a shopper looking to serve a fully organic meal, Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods was the only retailer in the study where the 20 items were available. The price of the organic basket was $134.95, up almost 26 percent year-over-year. Whole Foods made its name as a supplier of items that shoppers couldn’t find elsewhere, but with organic food moving to the mainstream, there are now supply constraints. That’s made it tricky for company to keep prices down, Bartashus said.

“There are only so many organic turkeys out there,” she said. “Supply isn’t expanding as quickly as demand with some of the specialty items — it makes it harder for them to bring down prices.”

Last year, Wholefoods came under fire for blatantly ripping their customers off.

Last week, New York’s Department of Consumer Affairs said it was expanding its investigation after finding that Whole Foods stores in the city regularly ripped customers off, including overcharging $14.84 for a package of coconut shrimp and $4.85 for eight chicken tenders. The department tested 80 types of prepackaged items and found all of them had mislabeled weights. The investigation focused on eight stores in the city.

In a statement, Commissioner Julie Menin said that the Department of Consumer Affairs was “gratified” that Whole Foods admitted to issues with its prepackaged food labels.

In the YouTube video, Mackey said there was a “very small percentage” of weighing errors with items made in stores, including sandwiches, fresh juices and cut fruits.

“We know they are unintentional because the mistakes are both in the customer’s favor and sometimes not in the customer’s favor,” Robb said.

Even while ripping off their well to do customers, profits haven’t exactly been robust. After years of uninterrupted earnings growth, the chickens have finally come home to roost — as the pangs of this healthcare burdened economy finally hit the bottom line of the biggest asshole grocers in the country.


Year to date, WFM is down 5.2%, KR is off by 18.6%, SVU is down 30%, SFM is down 18% and TFM is the only outlier, higher by 21%.

Conversely, the distributors of food are making bank. With demand kicking up, the volume of organic goods is buoying the profits of the fuckers who deliver the stuff. Shares of SPTN are up 72% for the year, in addition to SYY (+38%) and UNFI (+21%).

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BEHOLD: The Turkey Gods Approach; National Festival is Nearly Upon You

Markets are always jubilant ahead of national festival day, a day made official by President Lincoln in the middle of the civil war — then switched to the third Thursday by FDR in order to help Macy’s, which, for a while, earned him ridicule by house republicans who called it Franksgiving.

Generally speaking, everyone loves Thanksgiving, unless of course you’re an American Indian, who views it as a day of mourning.

Good thing for Wall Street, investors don’t give a shit about the feelings of American Indians. Heading into Black Friday and Cyber Monday, markets, generally, do quite well.

Eddy Elfenbein tweeted out some startling statistics about Turkey week and markets.

In recent years, we’ve had a sharp run up into Thanksgiving, only to sell off the following week after learning about how shitty the retail sales were during Black Friday and how Amazon was kicking everyone in the nuts.

Either way, now is not the time to lament about risks or discuss the pathetic state of the shopping mall. We’ll get to that in detail next week. Now is the time to begin to unwind, prepare to enjoy the family and hopefully stuff our faces with lots of Turkey and cranberried stuffing, amongst other things.

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Report: Trump Administration to Permit Hillary to Get Away with Email Server Crimes

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

The Morning Shill, with Mika Brzezinski, is reporting that sources say Trump isn’t going to prosecute the greatest political criminal since Nixon, Hillary Clinton.

This could be more 4d chess from Trump, a man who promised to drain the swamp. Quite frankly, it’s impossible to drain said swamp with an alligator like Clinton and her pizza loving idiots roaming the earth free. Maybe it’s important to bear in mind, he isn’t President yet and he won’t be the person making the decision whether to prosecute or not, the AG (Sessions) will.

Knowing the establishment are deathly afraid of a Clinton prosecution and needing Sessions to get Senate approval, it wouldn’t surprise me to hear this now, only to learn later that Sessions had decided to pursue and prosecute a case against Hillary.

David Wright, from fake news agency CNN, tweeted out to his deranged fans comments just made by Trump’s spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway, which corroborates what the Morning Shill said earlier.


So, the question arises, is Trump giving Clinton a pass in order to tackle and focus on bigger issues (THE WALL) that relate to every day Americans or is this more classic Trump ninja psyops games, fucking with his enemies?

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German Bund Yields Diverge and Head Lower Again Amidst Market Jubilation

Are the Germans being penalized for losing their leadership status, in light of the Le Pen surge in recent polls or are yields dropping again as a sign of risk off?

With markets ripping to new record highs, this is a curious divergence and worthy of inspection.


U.S. 10yr has soared from 1.75% to 2.30% since Election Day.


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Obama Continues His World Tour, Taking on ‘Fake News’

Fascinating stuff. Our President, who presides over the land of the free, continues to bitch about ‘FAKE NEWS’ getting in the way of democratic elections. I could only surmise that Obama and his cohorts would like us to all rely upon the Washington Post and the NY Times for our information — discarding and blocking all of the other ‘alt-right’ publications and websites that distort the narrative that is being promoted.

What is the end game with all of this uproar? Do these people actually believe that Americans want regulations imposed on the internet, like the fucking fuckers from China? Not even the most deranged libtard wants that.

But here he is, the thin man from Hawaii, casting aspersions over the free press.

Here’s Greg Gutfeld checking the snowflake trolling — pointing out the real fake news emanating from the mainstream media.

Indeed. You all deserve ‘good news.’ God willing the community organizers in the social media ghettos will curate it for us.

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