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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.


I was born in an oil field — deep in the bowels of Brooklyn, NY. My father was an oil man and his father before him. For 10 generations, my family drilled vigorously for oil in Brooklyn and they instilled into me the idea that I too would be an oil man one day.

On occasion, I’d leave oil alone, thinking I was a tech man, a cannabis man, sometimes even a Doctor of medicine. But in my roots, in the recesses of my DNA, I’ve always been and always will be an oil man.

With crude popping off here now, I like CHK, for the reflation of it all — and those Big Ass White Candles.

Downside risk is 10%, upside infinity.

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“The Fly” Wins Again — CHART BREAKOUT!!!

I told you not to bet against me. This is what happens when you bet against a Space Alien Magician (SAM). You get laser beamed to the face.

Good morning and good day.

GEVO was a featured pick inside The Capstone Programme last week. Lo and behold, shares are rushing higher this morning on very heavy volume.

Here’s the news.

ENGLEWOOD, Colo, Feb. 27, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gevo, Inc. (GEVO) announced today that HCS Group and Gevo have entered into a long-term, definitive, binding and bankable renewable isooctane purchase and sale agreement, dated February 21, 2019. HCS Group will be supplied exclusively for sales of Gevo’s renewable isooctane into high-end applications ranging from high purity solvents to specialty fuels under its Haltermann Carless brand, excluding use of isooctane for on-road transportation fuels. Gevo’s renewable isooctane is a low-carbon, drop-in blending component for gasoline and has the potential to reduce greenhouse gases by as much as 70 percent, well within the standards established by the EU Renewable Energy Directive.

This long-term, binding purchase and sale agreement with HCS Group is an important step forward in Gevo’s previously-announced strategy to build out Gevo’s advanced biofuels production facility in Luverne, Minnesota, USA, to increase the production of renewable isobutanol and renewable jet fuel as well as isooctane.

Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, Gevo will supply low-carbon, renewable isooctane to HCS Group over ten years if certain conditions are met, including the expansion of Gevo’s isooctane production capabilities at its advanced biofuels production facility in Luverne.

According to Patrick R. Gruber, Gevo’s Chief Executive Officer, this agreement represents a significant milestone in Gevo’s crusade to help leading consumer brands reduce greenhouse gas emissions through decarbonizing transportation fuel. “This is a game-changing, bankable agreement for Gevo and another step forward to delivering on our promise to address the need for low-carbon fuels while also meeting sustainability requirements for our customers, to reduce their carbon foot print,” Dr. Gruber said. “This agreement strengthens our partnership with HCS Group that began with a prior agreement signed in 2017. Our technology and our renewable isooctane have proven themselves in highly demanding niche applications. We now want to scale substantially in order to enable rolling-out our renewable isooctane to a variety of high-end fuel and solvent applications.”


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Pro-Tip: Don’t Buy Gambler Stock and Then Walk Away From Trading Turret

Chalk this down in your stock traders handbook.

Earlier today I bought SOLO, based upon this or that — MUH electric cars going higher. I was feeling damn fucking good about the trade and then needed to step away early. Always busy and never one to just slouch around the house like a fucking loser — Le Fly stepped out into the breezy winter winds feeling accomplished and poised for profit.

In about 5 minutes after I sped down the road into a whir of dust and dirt — SOLO had collapsed 50 cents from my basis. This is a level I’d normally stop out.

So now I am entreated to the specter of enduring yet another reversal of fortune, the first being CFIS — from +30% to -25%.

Nevertheless, I trust the Gods are with me and favour me in spite of this brief period of set back.

On the issue of home maladies that afflict me, just today both my shower-head LITERALLY EXPLODED and one of my kitchen cabinet drawers broke off and collapsed. This is good news for those tracking my stock market mojo. Personal set backs have always been met with fierce rallies in Le Fly’s holdings.

See you misfits and vagabonds tomorrow.

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Markets Tried to Go Down — But Was Rejected

I sold out of that CIFS shit for a 25% loss. It’s funny, only because it’s sad. I had a 30% gain in it yesterday, then got greedy, then got REKT. ‘Tis is life.

Towards the end of the day, I bought VIPS, another low brow stock with hunger in its eyes.

There’s nothing bearish in this set up at all and the only reason why I have cash is due to caution. We’re run up big and I’ve enjoyed handsome returns. Before dialing up the pressure again, I want to see how the market responds to this overhead resistance. If the Qs shot above $177, I’d be convinced to go all in again.

Other than that, I’d like to see Apple confirm that business is okay, which would place us in a position to see new highs.

Got to run.


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We’re all trying to find the next Tesla — because it’s fun and easy to do. I sold out of my electric car maker CAAS today for a +16%. I then barreled into shares of SOLO — hoping for a repeat of something great.

Chart patterns is sublime. Tits up inside 24 hours else I’ll cut my genitals off.

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Fed’s Powell Warns of “Conflicting Signals”, But Everything is Healthy and Favorable

If you only listened to the Fed, you’d never know what the economy was really doing. Here’s our Fed Chair, Jerome Powell, attempting to have his cake and eat it too today.

Source: CNBC

In his semiannual testimony on the state of monetary policy, the central bank chief noted that he and other officials are watching the state of affairs closely and are prepared to adapt policy if warranted.

“While we view current economic conditions as healthy and the economic outlook as favorable, over the past few months we have seen some crosscurrents and conflicting signals,” Powell said in his prepared remarks to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. “Financial markets became more volatile toward year-end, and financial conditions are now less supportive of growth than they were earlier last year.”

China and Europe are particular areas of concern, and the Fed also is watching how Brexit negotiations and trade talks play out.

“We will carefully monitor these issues as they evolve,” Powell said.

In other words, and I touched on this before, heading into 2019, the economy was slowing in a very abysmal way. However, since then, things have improved. Alas, we circle back to the narrative I am trying to compel you to consider. Everything we’ve just undergone is at a cross-roads now. If Q2 ends up being a disappointment, we’re heading back towards the fucking lows, and much more.

Having said that, I’m not shorting this shit now — knowing fuckheads like Powell are out there trying to grab the market’s jock-strap. Best thing for me to do is eat some eggs, some black coffee, and perhaps smoke my estate pipe — waiting for resolution.

I sold out of my NUGT position today for a +5.6% gain on a triple sized position.

Top pick: Cash (presently 55% cash in trading account).

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Running into Significant Resistance, Not To Mention the Buzz Saw of Q2

I’m not saying we’re heading lower — because nothing in the data suggests that should happen. But there are a few reasons why you should lighten up here — especially after such a big run up.

We’re right now at a level where a lot of people got caught long several months back. People are likely eager to sell around these levels to count their blessings and move to cash. Also, we should expect to hear about Q2 in March, possibly Apple. We know Q1 was horrible and the market priced it in. What if Q2 isn’t good enough to justify the run up?

Trump is touting progress in his negotiations with China. But is President Xi likely to cede to his demands with the US elections less than 2 yrs away?

Lastly, QQQ is now overbought in Exodus, with flawless stats implying downside action. The last time we were overbought on the Qs, the market topped out and barreled lower, starting the late 2018 panic.

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Mountainous Wins Bless House Fly

This is what I did today.

NIO +15%, QD +15.3%, LX +9.8%, HYRE +21%, OLED +9.5%, BILI +10.6%, PLUG +7.3%, CY +1.2%, HABT +1%, TLRY -2.5%, DATA +1.5%.

See pal, that’s who I am and you’re nothing.

Oh but you’re a good Father?


My opinion is that you should be taking profits. But nothing is bearish, in spite of today’s tepid action in crude. HYG was up. The indices were sharply higher. Everything is fine. I anticipate a pull back — but shall not act upon my urges until I see it happen.

I ride into the close a supreme winner, of a magnitude you could only dream of accomplishing. I cannot be defeated, or stopped — because the Gods favour me.

Prove me wrong.

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