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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Mega Spike in Shippers Underway

It all started yesterday with CTRM and it continues today, led by CTRM — higher by more than 50% early going. Seeing the sector up terrifically, I decided to buy one of the main movers — GLBS. I’m already up nicely on it, after an immediate spike. I’d be remiss if I didn’t warn you that these stocks are complete bullshit. Fun, but bullshit.

I don’t have any price target, but I’ll likely sell today.

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And Yields Keep Come Tumbling Down

The 10yr is now at 2.377%, down another 3bps. Any idea how fucked this all is?

Any interest? No.

Centene bought Wellcare creating a monster healthcare company Obama would be proud of. I’m not sure if Trump got rid of it or not. Everything he says is sort of a lie — such as “we’re building the wall now” — so I’m just not sure. Any of you fucks have Obamacare?

I knew Obamacare was rotten the day it was announced and healthcare stocks went up. Someone has to lose on these deals. Apparently, it was us.

Futures are soft, gold is stable, and yields are plunging lower again. If stocks were incredibly weak, I’d venture to say markets are pricing in a soft economy — but stocks have been okay. In other words, I don’t know what the fuck is going on.

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Gold-NERDS Be on Alert Here

See how nice I am? I didn’t even equate your existence with an insect. You’re just nerds now.

We’re heading into a range, that if failed, would/could result in the ever ominous and deleterious head n shoulders top. Do I believe it will happen?


Fuck off.

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How Long Can This Shit Last?

When I say “shit” I mean bond yields going down while the market goes up, naturally.

This is not unheard of — but it certainly is unusual. I suspect, judging by previous runs, the bond market is not trying to warn of us something. Instead, by divine right, the Nasdaq shall thrust forward, mangling all in its path. Eventually the bond nerds will see they are no match for the Nasdaq and acquiesce, sending yields the fuck higher.

I am long both TLT and TMF and I like them…for now. But the better plays are in tech, oil, and gold.

I had a good day. I am starting to feel a little bit better. I have been amused by the shares of HUNT late in the day. What a time to be alive.

Good day.

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Can Keep My $NUGT’s Down

I’ve been in my deathbed all morning and afternoon and just woke up so that I could eat a sammich. I see stocks are flagging and my NUGT is now pressing the highs of the day. It truly is in beast mode and nothing can stop it — not even lower gold.

It must be horrible being you — disfigured monster in the comments sector or lurking, creepily, from afar — hoping to see Le Fly stumble, splatter, and fall — but it never happens. Must be horrible.

I have two predictions.

1. Stocks hit new record highs by Easter.
2. Avenatti goes to prison by Xmas.

I don’t have a best ideas list — leave me the hell alone.

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Bull Market (From My Death Bed Edition)

While you were enjoying the comforts of modern entertainment last night, I was entreated to a malady so severe — I hallucinated all through the night. I toiled through night terrors, sudden bursts of panic and I was shivering from my internal temperature drop. Medicated on very high doses of antibiotics and cold/flu elixirs, Le Fly didn’t think he’d make it through the night. Lo and behold, I stand before you, once again, victorious, even during the most trivial of circumstances.

Although I am not completely better and I do have a monstrous headache that has split my skull to pieces, I should be able to function today.

Market futures are sharply higher and my suggestion, or rather, my implication, that WTI crude wasn’t down yesterday was reason enough to hold came true. I suspect I’ll get boxed around in TLT/TMF a little, and NUGT might be barreling down from a head and shoulders top, something we’ll have to monitor closely, but on the all — I will make an extraordinary amount of money today.

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Checking Out Early — Fly Wins Again

Feeling a bit tired. I’m off to take a heavily medicated nap.

In the meantime, it appears I was right again. Markets do not trade lower with WTI up. You should get out there now and buy all of the crude stocks.

My Quant is higher 65 basis points today, poleaxing the benchmark. If you want to learn how to do this shit, I teach it for free — just pay for a god damned membership to Exodus — you cheap bastards.

Other than that, I enjoyed wins in NUGT, ROKU, AYX, and RPD.

Will bonds reverse and go lower?

Absolutely not.

Good day.

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Fly Buy: $TMF

Adding to my exposure to treasuries, I upped the ante and bought some TMF.

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