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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Clown Raped for Valentines Day

What a douchebag market. If the market was a real person, it would be a jerk off from Brooklyn, who is burdened with a heavy accent and likes to wear lots of gold chains, just prior to killing his best friend with a metal pipe.

I think it’s important to note the carnage in commercial Re. Names like VNO, SPG, SLG, KIM and MAC are getting obliterated, without much fanfare. As you know, my favorite commercial Re stocks to short are FRT, ESS, MAC and SLG.

On the long side, I like Chinese burritos. Stocks like CHL, FXI JRJC, YZC and even LFC seem to have the support of a billion or two communists.

In short, the market is not a very inviting place to make money right now. On one hand, stocks appear to be oversold. On the other, capitalism as we know is dead.

The million dollar question: When does that get priced in?

My approach is simple: survive this decline and buy the dips. Mind you, I am not talking about buying asshole bank stocks. I am done with them. Instead, I want to position myself for the inevitable bounce. At some point, we will get a 10% rally. Into that rally, I will sell all of my longs and go on vacation.

These are tough times for everyone, not just Wall Street pikers. Try to remember the fuckery and mitigate risk whenever possible.

Now go buy your lady friend some fucking flowers and chocolate.

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Time Machine Special

Much to your chagrin, we will rip higher into the close.


NOTE: As an aside, commercial Re names are falling apart, namely KIM, VNO, SPG, SLG, MAC, amongst others. I’d be shocked to see SRS trade lower, at least this afternoon.

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Prepare for Fuckery

As the day winds down and volume thins out, prepare for Mother Market to make an appearance, so that she may trick you and take all of your money. At the end of the day, the bitch ain’t satisfied until your account is at $00.00.

As an aside, I’ve been dealing with a plethora of personal issues, which has me crazier than a southerner at a civil war reenactment show.

I am 55% long into this shit parade. Once again, I like the same old names: FXI, CHL, LNN, MT, ACM and JRJC.

Seeing oil/gas stocks strong defies the laws of reason and honour [sic]. However, I will not add to any shorts, for it is evident that asshole dip buyers want them higher.

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The Stimulus Bill is an Absurdity

By the way, Newt Gingrich has an alterntaive plan to the current stimulus bill. Read about it here. In other news, the assholes from San Francisco want to spend $30 million (via stimulus bill) to save the “endangered” salt marsh harvest mouse.

If you are so inclined to read through over 1,400 pages, here is the stimulus bill.

As for the markets:

So far, it looks like the banks will sell off again.  However, considering we have a long weekend ahead of us, I would not want to be heavily short, into the weekend. And, by no means, I do not want to gamble on the banks, long or short.

More on this later.

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Shorts Slightly Castrated in Early Asian Trading

They pedal very fast on their stupid tricycles, while listening to podcasts of the meatball thrower: “The Great Roubini.”

They go to iBankCoin and leave disturbing messages, such as “STFU, NEW LOWS SOON!!!” And they even offer to suck their own cocks, in exchange for meaningless approbation.

They frequent gay bars and make friends with local coin collectors.

These people I speak of reside near the bottom of proverbial trash heaps; and they eat old mashed potatoes for breakfast. They are so fat and gluttonous, their burlap shirts rip through felled seams. When they log onto their bullshit trading accounts or browse the internets, they make clumsy typing errors because their fingers are too fat and stupid.

The monstrous creatures I speak of are being “slightly castrated in early asian trading,” as we speak.

Stay tuned.

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Shorts Kicked Down a Fucking Stairwell

I want to give a shot out to a colleague of mine who emphatically said the market would reverse today. Good fucking call.

In true “Fly fashion,” I was correct to hold onto my longs, as sellers exhausted themselves, while peddling real fast on their little tricycles.

By no means are we out of the woods. However, the rally into the close, going into a long weekend, bodes well for the bull camp.

To sum things up: I added to CHL, BUCY, LNN, ACM and even a little ERY. All in all, today sucked for me, since most of my longs closed down, at the same time when big oil reversed up. Fuckers.

Bottom line: We should rally from here.

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Who the Fuck is Long Oil?

Really, I want to know.

Oil is down 70% inside of 6 months and yet assholes are buying XOM, CVX and other oil names. Seriously, this is not a very hard trade to execute: short oil stocks with impunity.

Now, as sure as I am sitting here, on the next rally, oil/gas stocks will catapult higher, but they shouldn’t.

Listen to me you fucking idiots: they industry is ruined. The underlying securities are vastly overvalued and many of them will go all the way to zero, suffocated by egregious debt burdens.

You cannot buy NOV or RIG, thinking “oh shit, oil is gonna go.” That’s not how it works, asshole. These companies have capex budgets. Those such said budgets are being axed, amidst all the panic. Believe you me, oil producers and exploration companies are fucking scared shitless now.

With that being said, I will hold and add to my DUG/ERY positions, until they are much higher.

As for the market:

I bought some EEV; but sold no longs. I am as stubborn as an insolvent bank asking for a bailout.

In other news, my wife just informed me that some asshole backed into her car, at the mall. So, I need to get the fuck out of here, in order to take the car to a fucking collision shop.

Good times.

: I bought 5,000 CHL @ $46.10 and 2,000 ACM @ $25.45.

UPDATE II: I bought LNN @ $27.41 and BUCY @ $14.85.

UPDATE III: I added to ERY @ $37.25.

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Crisis of Confidence

Charlie Gasparino is stoking the flames of uncertainty, revealing a “secret meeting” that was hosted at Goldman Sachs, following Geithner’s idiotic speech.

Look, President Obama is conducting himself with disgrace. His lack of readiness and savvy is showing in spades and as a result Wall Street is fearful. Despite strength in select infrastructure plays, for the most part, stocks are in full retreat today, thanks in large part to the lack of leadership at the White House.

Banks and commercial Re are leading the market lower, with oil, essentially, getting a pass.

If you are short and up big, remember to use this sell off to take profits. You don’t have to switch to the long side. However, you should be covering some shorts, in order to raise cash.

If you are long and dying, you should take on some hedges. Personally, I like short oil here, via DUG or ERY. And, select commercial Re stocks, like FRT, ESS, MAC and SLG can be sold short with impunity.

Into this bullshit, I bought some EEV. No real reason, just a hunch.

My downside exposure is not horrific, considering I am nearly 50% short or in cash. Believe me, I am tempted to take all of my cash and get long egregious amounts of SRS and FAZ. But, the voices in my head keep telling me “asshole, go eat a fucking sandwich, ova here.”

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