18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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It’s very easy to get caught up in the moment of COLLAPSE, fondly returning to the memories of 2008 when all was completely lost and all we had to do was wait for the end to manifest itself. Unfortunately for us, it never ended in 2008 and the world kept spinning, gayer than ever perhaps. I don’t think, in all of human history, we have ever had a more gay era than the one we’re living in now. Fancy men prancing about, moving with impunity. No risk, lots of rewards.

We look at the markets today and find joy in it’s demise but if we look even close — we can see that $MSFT is +3% YTD and most large capped stocks are in fact HIGHER for the year. Sure the smaller caps are lower — but no one cares about the small people — am I right?

Presently, I am 17% weighted $TZA against some longs because a man can always dream and they’ll never take that away from me. Soon, right wing goon squads will usher in El Duce Trump and $GEO will build special prisons for the democratic class of person — re-education centers for them to reflect upon their many mistakes and errs.

Into the final hours, I expect noting too terrific. I have accepted the fact I am likely to lose money today and blame it entirely on myself for getting sick. If I had been stronger, better equipped, I might be up today and perhaps my life would be better for it.

Breadth is 33%. Small caps are leading lower, but large caps aren’t up either. All appears to be lost again.

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