18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Looking at the situation in Israel, it appears Turkey and Israel are on the verge of cutting relations with one another. The war on Gaza has escalated to a ground invasion and all of the Arab neighbors seem to be quite upset by this. None of then, up until this point, have done anything kinetic to help the Gazans, most likely due to their aversion to taking on the US who looms right off the coast of Israel. I am once again shocked by the blood clamoring by people in America, conjuring up post 9/11 sentiments to justify ethnic cleansing.

For Israel, they probably have to take extraordinary measures in order to ensure the survival of their state. As time goes by, the chasm of technological innovation is shortening between them and their neighbors and the demographics of them versus a billion or two muslims looks very very grim.

For Americans, our interests should be completely focused on an internal agenda. The fucking country is falling apart. The debt is unsustainable and the borders, or lack thereof, has turned many parts of this once great nation into a 3rd world cesspool.

Alas, nothing I say matters and the path we’re taking is the one we’ll stay on. Both parties are pro war and it seems this is their best way to keep the domestic problems off the menu and out of the headlines.

The market is going to fucking crash, not because Americans suck, but because Americans are led by an evil regime who is intentionally leading us into a fucking maelstrom that will undoubtedly lead to the deaths of thousands.

This is what we’re dealing with.

These people do not work for the glory of America. Their agenda is foreign and their interests are to hurt the populous and the elections can never do anything to remedy this deeply embedded cancer.

Have a pleasant weekend.

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  1. tha pirate

    The “Arab neighbors” who are upset at Israel defending itself by trying to stop the ceaseless rocket fire into Israel day & night, the rescue of hostages who have been raped, tortured & in some cases killed were NOT so upset on October 7th, when Hamas sent terror squads going house to house in nearby villages, tying up families and slowly torturing members (including children) to death in front of each other.

    Strange how that horror wasn’t ‘upsetting’, but the IDF trying to root out terrorist organizations hiding in civilians basements (in some cases WITH the civilians approval) IS upsetting.

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  2. bennyhill

    What happened to all of the comments? Fly you gotta move this blog to social media.

    Wait aren’t you 48 yet?

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  3. Dr. Fly

    They are inside Stocklabs.

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