18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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Whether markets recover or not from the morning debacle is anyone’s guess. Although I am delighted to see things spinning out of control to the downside — bulls running for cover with a trail of rainbow flags in their wake, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you to check with your local medical professionals about this year’s COVID-19 vaccination.

If old or auto-immune deficient, you’d be wise to visit your local CVS this autumn and have a frank conversation as to the timing of when to receive your annual shot. While it’s true, you might get COVID this winter — you will be GRATEFUL and thankful for the scientific community of hard working persons for the lack of severity in your illness.

It also might be a good time, seeing how COVID is busting loose, to have sincere conversations with people you know who are anti-vaxx. Offer them links to medical journals, written by experts, and make an valiant effort to educate them.

Alas, the time has come as a society of fair minded people that we no longer tolerate those who reject science. To ensure the safety for all, experts agree that measures should be taken in order to assuage those who are vaccine hesitant to make the smart decision to protect themselves, their loved one’s, and neighbors.

If you want access to professional medical care, such as birthing centers or cardiac and cancer wards — you must be vaccinated.

If you want to buy food in person or dine out or enjoy traveling, viewing concerts, ballgames etc — you must be vaccinated.

If you want to travel cross-state — you must be vaccinated.

If you want to work inside of an office with others — you must be vaccinated.

Naturally, the choice is yours but we all must chip in for the benefit of the whole. By not vaccinating and believing in online conspiracy theories, you place all of us at risk.

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  1. metalleg

    I’d hate to have to live through another “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”

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  2. bob smith

    Don’t worry. A good number of them died because of their Trump-inspired delusional decision. Thus, there are fewer left to be deadly wrong twice.

    The survirors of the first dumb choice… same outcome eventually.

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