18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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The nightmare scenario is now underway. ADP numbers came in hot as fuck and by the looks of the US 10yr — so is inflation. We are up 10bps on the 10yr to 4.04%. The stress we enjoyed on the banks several months ago is back in force and the regionals are right now as we speak — hiding under their desks hoping Ukraine blows up their own power plant so yields can drop again.

I am very sorry to inform you now but it’s over.

As for me, I made a blunder and wanted 1 more day of ebullience before I exited the stage left. I was heavily leveraged long without hedges and now stand before you naked -2.9%.

Am I upset over this raw deal?

No. These things happen and I can only laugh at my plight. I simply packed my shit and went home, sold most of my stuff and added some hedges and now I’ll re-examine the market and position for tomorrow. At -2.9% for the session, the idea of coming back today is folly. I’d have to take on extreme risk, something I am simply not prepared to do.

Understand something, I am a professional. I do not take risks unless I have inside information and know the SEC cannot attack me. I will not double down for the sake of hope and the possibility of making it back. I’ll make it back over time when the winds are blowing in my direction.

Let this be a lesson to you trading fool punks.

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  1. rigged game

    The Joe Bidenomics Economy BOOMS again! Thanks Joe, you MIRACLE MAN!
    And thanks upon THANKS for the 35% lower gas prrices!

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  2. soupbone

    Nightmare scenario for some. But inflation screws politicians in the way they hate most, which is to be celebrated. May USA lead the world (as usually is to USA liking) into the inflationary vortex created over the past while via a global comingling of agendas led by the unelected body of the WEF, (facilitated by WHO and the UN) and of which the DNC is a branch. Hoo Haa.

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  3. bob smith

    Fly. Do you really think any of us gives a rats a$$ how much money you win or lose. Think about it for a second. Why on earth would we? It’s not our money and we just don’t care. Live with it, nobody cares.

    Only a narcissist would imagine that other people care about how much money they have or don’t have.

    Quit being such a narcissist. OK?

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