18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Perfectly Balanced into the Close

I am short and long term BEARISH on this tape — but have plenty of longs to prove me wrong. I closed down 126bps with a 21% position in TZA — since small caps appeared to be weak today and my hopes are, if being honest, we fall by 30% tomorrow.

Most likely we will not fall — so I have a full book of longs to sell at the open of trade tomorrow. More or less, I am preserving an 8% gain for June — even though the calendar, in theory, means nothing to me since I only run my own money. Old habits die hard.

Twitter was electric today with death cults running amok with glee over 4 people trapped at the bottom of the Atlantic in a sardine can. I’d like to say you’re all monsters and finding joy in the pain and suffering of others is evil. Then again, you’ve always been evil and you’ll never change.

You don’t have to believe in God to have grace, empathy for others. At the very core of every issue today, yesterday, and tomorrow is empathy — the ability to peer into the future and understand what it might feel like for another human being. I once read a book about languages and they found certain languages around the world never make reference to a future tense. This is important because language shows how a people think. What it means is — many of you are descended from fucking morons and your only hope is to dilute your shitty genes in order to help humanity feel sorry for people stuck at the bottom of the ocean without air, water, or food.

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One comment

  1. rigged game

    Quit with the bullshit. Your readers are interseted in your WRITING,
    not your lunatic hop-scotch trading.

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