18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,460 Blog Posts

Big Breakout in $BTC

It’s finally raining in Raleigh. Lo and behold, my tree has come back to life. I was one or two more drought days away from removing it like a retard for another crepe myrtle. I watered it and watered it and it remained wilted and droopy. Who knew it needed some rain water to perk the fuck up. Perhaps my tap water is poisonous.

My next project will be to improve this fucking lawn. There is a shallow root structure because apparently my house is on top of a boulder and the rock below doesn’t permit for the grass to withstand much sun. This fall, I am buying one of those lanzie wheels and I am going to aerate the fuck out of it and then layer on a nice coat of compost, and then seed.

As far as markets are concerned, I am not really interested. I had this EXAS up 10% in the AHs last night and ended up selling up just 2%. Once I saw that I sold everything but my bitcoin, which is breaking out by the way.

But let’s not get too excited. All of you BTC maxxers are soiling yourselves over this move but remember all of the other failed attempts at $30k and simmer the fuck down.



I have to walk my fucking dogs now. I have two small dogs, one is shy and nice and the other bites anything that moves. I am not kidding. She is a rescue and if I leave the door open she’ll run out and bite the first pitbull she sees right in the face. Zero fear, pretty impressive stuff.

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