18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,460 Blog Posts


Look at you, drunken fool trying to figure out the stock market with your small brain. I give you money on a platter and you reject it. Do not get mad at me for being able to peer into the future, glance at financial instruments, and profit handsomely from it.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, innumerable times. I came to this House of Worship in 2019 and informed you of my intent to purchase and accumulate ETH from $100 and proceeded to do so until I sold north of $3,000. I produced a 17x return and many of you thanked me for the tip and then later on TURNED ON ME like the venomous bastards you are — at a time when I was bogged down in a trading slump after 5xing my account live for all of you ingrates inside Stocklabs.

Fast forward a year and change my account is now 12x the OG investment and my TSLA focus account is +60% and I don’t even get an email from you bastards, apologizing for slandering me for my profitable ideas.

Truth be told, I am jesting and do not expect anything from any of you. Me and my stupid ideas will expire once I lose my faculties. There will come a place and a time when I can no longer perform at this level and I’ll probably be too stubborn to ever admit it. But here and now as you read this, with Le Fly at the tender olde age of 47, I am at my pinnacle — never been better — pinned to recourd highs — and none of you sons a bitches can say otherwise.

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