18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Missing Out on All the Fun

I saw there was a big day in markets today and I lost money since my phone was dead and I was stuck with just DRIP. I’m 100% sure that if I wasn’t getting ripped off at a Parisian wine bar with a dead phone, I would’ve crushed the market. Alas, I’m cornered by Grandma Fly and ANTIFA Fly both hating on the Louvre because they’ve both seen paintings before and the walking was just too much to bear.

I realize now and have realized this for a long time that I’ve made many mistakes in my life and most of them are IRREVERSIBLE. You don’t see these mistakes when young because you enjoy believing in lies. You only see the fruits of your labors later and then come to see, if you’re honest enough, that much of what you tried to achieve flopped.

I only mention this because failure is something I’ve come to not only accept but appreciate. Look at my positions today, totally fooled and a loser because the day prior I was super bearish. All of that logic went right out the window, as usual.

It’s good to be coarse and hard on oneself to keep the edges sharp and not let life break you and make you soft. You’ll never catch me slipping, lest you find me inside of a fucking Parisian wine bar with Frenchies double charging me for their middling Burgundy.

Tomorrow I depart for Milan and I’m sure this DRIP nonsense will lose me even more money tomorrow. I’ve been on a news and market blackout, opting to traverse Europe with very heavy luggage in an effort to find truth and enjoy the splendor of an insane people.

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  1. helen

    Stop being the ugly american you cunt!
    Forget the market and enjoy and dedicate all your time to your family for a change. they will remember this for the rest of their lives…how dad spend his time tending to the market and drinking. Cunt! In case you didn’t see it the first time.

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    • alaric

      I had a cockatiel named Helen. She had a yellow head, gray body and orange patched on her cheeks. I went traveling and left her with a friend. Turned out Helen was Len when he got near a pretty little female. So you change coats when you change locations. Or, perhaps you don’t.

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    • tha pirate

      (you wanted ‘ugly American’, so I gave you some)

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  2. tha pirate

    Guessing you are a Limey Helen (they love saying ‘cunt, cunt, cunt’)

    Isn’t it ENOUGH that we bailed you out of TWO World wars (one of which I had relatives sacrifice blood in) so you could preserve your warm beer and cold women? Yes, the French are useless (we bailed those f-kers out twice too), but that don’t mean we can’t travel to your Euro-fag ‘shite’ holes and have a vacay.

    Go get some French trim Cap’n, cause that’s the one thing they are good at!

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