18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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DRAMA SHOW: Back in the Hotel After a Loooong Day

The morning starter with an allergy attack, sneezing in a small hotel room with three people at 6am. I then took to twitter and tweeted out a bunch of WW3 bullshit and headlines about retards in Europe willing to freeze rather than pay for Russian gas with Russian Rubles. This is just common sense shit that I have trouble with not making fun of.

We then took to Boston and markets opened hard and fast only to collapse and then rally and collapse again. Meanwhile, I was fine dining, out and about with Mrs Fly — bearing witness to lads in the Pelican Room arguing with one another over nonsense. We have a contest going and the first place leader began to CHEAT in order to protect his lead and was then banned from the contest. Really dumb shit.

Later on I moved my daughter out of her dorm and then went to dinner, but was rudely preoccupied again by the “men” in Stocklabs arguing the point that one member had PURPOSELY set people up by saying FB was going to miss earning all the while knowing they in fact were going to beat! Really toxic shit. I’ve come to realize, as much effort I put into SL it’ll never get big because A. no one listens to what I tell them and B. people can never appreciate good things.

To think I quit money management to babyshit a bunch of retards makes me almost want to cry. Good thing men don’t cry.

In the end, Stocklabs won and the mean reversion algos proved predictive again, as FB smashed earnings and NASDAQ Futs are way up.

I’ll be ENTREATED to another fun filled day in Boston tomorrow, so trading and blogging will be light.

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  1. john galt

    Bwahaha you guys be crazy, schoolgirls

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  2. lastbid

    finally a man can see clearly …. but then again, only a question of time when your ego trumps all things sensical

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