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Reminder: Elon Musk is Never Going to Prison

I don’t know what’s wrong with some of you haters, fagLORDS at the Business insider and Zerohedge, always talking shit about the smartest man in the world, Elon Musk. Sure, he tends to lean on hyperbole in order to make a point and he’s an excellent salesman; but that’s the whole God damned point. If it wasn’t for Elon, the idea of electric cars would never have come to fruition. The retards in Detroit would still be spitting out those ridiculous cars, made from the shittiest and dumbest people on the planet. What Elon brings to the table is intelligence that is scalable, designed to improve the entire fucking human race.

Low level cro-magnons get jealous of Elon — because they’re simply reflecting their own unhappiness unto the world. Truth is, men like Elon should get away with small crimes, such as tweets that say “FUNDING SECURED.” For the love of Christ, politicians get away with far worse. Bankers literally kill people and cause financial ruin on a global scale.

Let Elon take acid and head on over to Twitter and say whatever the fuck he wants to say.

“Funding Secured” — sure Elon we believe you — keep boring tunnels into LA and making reusable rockets that the misfits at NASA could never produce — and you can secure whatever the fuck you want. Give the man a division of the SEC and permit him to go after short sellers who bother him, or low level reporters who orbit around him like mosquitoes, attempting to draw his genetically superior blood.

Tesla is down in the AHs because idiots think Musk is in danger. If the human race is to be trusted, this too shall pass.

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  1. moosh

    Exactly Le Fly. Who in the hell is basing financial decisions off of a fucking tweet?

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  2. helen

    Humanity should be praying to him and the likes of him instead of some Bronze age concoctions.

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  3. jbandy

    Great. Fucking. Post.

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  4. eddiedaroza

    Great post finally some common sense

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  5. juice

    Lead Neanderthal and Cro Magnon himself, Bob Lutz, couldn’t be happier, not to mention his offspring, i.e. mini Bob Lutz — the Maven.

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  6. cancel19

    Great point Dr. Fly! I’m still waiting for the clawbacks from all the top criminals that were responsible for the Great Recession. BTW where is Jon Corzine?

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  7. Raul3

    Everything stated here is true.

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  8. ferd

    His “funding secured” caused movement in the stock that was modest compared to punishment inflicted on TSLA stockholders by the SEC action. Fine Musk if you must, but don’t screw the other owners of public companies like this.

    Separately, will the next Musk, born in some “shithole”, seek to come to the US? …or to someplace more friendly to one who does not fit the mold?

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    • Raul3

      the next musk will come to america, at least until they drop out of university upon realizing it to be a huge waste of time and money

      then, we don’t know

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  9. rpavlik1

    The Ultra Rich rarely do prison time. They can afford the best lawyers. Just ask OJ. Still don’t know how they got Martha Stewart for a paltry $93,000 gain…

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