18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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I Jumped Off the Boat

I just remembered all of the times when I got so excited about seeing a rally in fucking boat stocks only to later get bludgeoned to death in them. I sold the little ESEA for a quick 27% gain and now have my eyes set on something new.

Although it would’ve been nice to see the stock run up to $10 and me bathing in extraordinary gains, who the fuck am I kidding?

As an aside, two recent IPOs caught my interest: AQ and ACMR. Any of you pikers familiar with them?

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  1. txchick57

    you were on the wrong boat

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  2. acehood

    Check out YEXT

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  3. WrongView

    Hey, just don’t call it swampy and anyway you didn’t vote for Trump because you thought he had integrity, you wanted “chaos”…nice work.

    So it goes in this new gilded age. The $1.5 trillion tax cut has $1 trillion in corporate tax breaks. The idea was that the corporate tax rate could be lowered if you eliminated corporate tax loopholes. Now corporations will have the lower rates and the loopholes.

    Individuals lose the ability to deduct state and local taxes, tax preparation, moving expenses and most medical expenses. But corporations — think of them as Very Important Persons with superhuman privileges — can still deduct these same expenses.

    At Monday’s markup, Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.) quizzed a tax expert on this corporate exceptionalism:

    “Will a teacher in my district who buys pens, pencils and paper for his students be able to deduct these costs from his tax returns under this plan?” He will not.

    “Will a corporation that buys pens, pencils and papers for its workers be able to deduct those costs from its tax returns?” It will.

    “Will a firefighter in my district be able to deduct the state and local sales taxes that she pays from her tax return?” She will not.

    “Will a corporation be able to deduct sales taxes on business purchases?” It will.

    “If a worker in my district had to move because his employer was forcing him to relocate .?.?. can he deduct his moving expenses under this plan?” He cannot.

    “Can a corporation under this plan deduct outsourcing expenses incurred in relocating a U.S. business outside the United States?” It can.

    As the corporate welfare is doled out, the same bill widens the gap between the rich and everybody else. The liberal Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy concluded that the middle fifth of Americans would get a modest tax cut of $460 (1.4 percent of their income) in 2018, while the richest 1 percent would have a cut of $64,720 (2.5 percent of their income). Even the conservative-leaning Tax Foundation, using a more favorable methodology, acknowledges the plan would cost the federal government $989 billion over a decade.


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  4. thegametheorist

    Just sold half my CRC for 60% gain and HIIQ for 20%. Bought more FIZZ and HMNY

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  5. the raconteur

    Never trust the pirates running those companies. Any time they get a bump in stock prices the secondaries start rolling.

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