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Senator Graham: ‘There is a Plan to Destroy N. Korea Itself’

I couldn’t stop laughing while watching this video. By gosh, this man is insane. How does he keep getting elected?

When asked why would the United States endanger millions in Asia with a war with N. Korea, Graham said Trump told him there would be a war with N. Korea over their missile program, if they didn’t stop with all of the tomfoolery.

Lauer: ‘Every military expert says there’s no good military options’

Graham: ‘They’re wrong. There is a good military option to DESTROY NORTH KOREA’S PROGRAM AND NORTH KOREA ITSELF.’

Based off N. Korea’s last ICBM test, according to the Pentagon, the maximum altitude of the missile was 2,300 miles, lasting for 47 minutes.

In layman’s terms, this means they can already strike US cities.

Source: Zerohedge

According to physicist and co-director of the UCS Global Security Program, David Wright, if those numbers are correct, then the missile flown on a standard trajectory would have a range 10,400 km (6,500 miles), not taking into account the Earth’s rotation. Adding the rotation of the Earth increases the range of missiles fired eastward, depending on their direction. Calculating the range of the missile in the direction of some major US cities gives the approximate results in Table 1.

Table 1 shows that Los Angeles, Denver, and Chicago appear to be well within range of this missile, and that Boston and New York may be just within range. Washington, D.C. may be just out of range.

Wright caveats his calculations saying that “it is important to keep in mind that we do not know the mass of the payload the missile carried on this test. If it was lighter than the actual warhead the missile would carry, the ranges would be shorter than those estimated above.”

While the above calculation has yet to be confirmed by third parties, the US is not taking any chances. According to Reuters, top U.S. and South Korean military officials “discussed military options after North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Friday.”

This makes perfect sense, from a national security standpoint. Threaten a country that is capable of striking major US cities with nuclear missiles with extinction. What could go wrong? Hey, while you’re at it, why not threaten Russia too?

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  1. sarcrilege

    If There is a Plan to Destroy N. Korea Itself, hopefully there’s even a better plan do destroy the filthy little terrorist hole, the satanist State of Israel; with Graham on site. Nuke the entire place fom orbit – It’s the only way to be sure.

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    • slowmo

      gosh, my fav li’l nutcase bro, you must have been suffering from withdrawals because you haven’t been able to post your demented ramblings in about…oh..24 hours or so. Hope that posting made you feel better. Seig Heil! and carry on.

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  2. stries

    Can’t we just send Dennis Rodman back over there to solve this?

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  3. natehois

    Pretty sure we can intercept anything that flies out of there pretty quickly

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  4. unrelated

    North Korea is a serious issue that needs to be resolved. God willing nonmilitarily.

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    • derp

      It’s 20 years too late for the military option. Either we bend the knee to China or millions perish. this is what 30 years of beta cuck leadership does.

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  5. Cricket

    N Korea has beneficial relationships with China and Russia in the same way as Iran. I sometimes wonder if the anti-Russia stance of the government also has links to N Korea.

    There are about 10 Chinese companies trading with N Korea. The US must put sanctions on them. Further, according to the Atlantic Council and other sources, N Korea has the world’s largest source of rare earth metals – these are vital for computing and military applications. The US military relies upon China and others for these materials. Trump has put in place a full review of the entire industrial-military manufacturing base over the next 270 days – with a view to securing the supply chain.

    As to “How does he keep getting elected?”; the Lindsey Graham/RINO types are the doing of Mitch McConnell, who is fighting hard against the right of the Republican party. According to Politico:

    “Mitch McConnell is unleashing the full force of his political machine in an all-out push to stop two far-right conservatives who threaten to make his life miserable in the Senate.

    The Republican leader is aiming to thwart Rep. Mo Brooks and former state Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore in a special election in Alabama next month. Both men are campaigning against McConnell as a despised symbol of the establishment — and both would exacerbate his already stiff challenge wrangling his GOP Conference.

    McConnell is responding in kind. His super PAC is set to spend as much as $8 million to boost his favored candidate, recently appointed Republican Sen. Luther Strange. McConnell has activated his sprawling donor network and pressed the White House for more resources. And the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the Senate GOP campaign arm McConnell controls, has warned consultants they’ll be cut off from future work if they assist Strange’s opponents.”


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    • Cricket

      Let the information on McConnell sink in, and then consider the perversity of a Kentucky Senator trying to control the elections in Alabama. How far we have fallen.

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  6. ferd

    Logic would tell you that Senator Creampuff is merely helping Trump pressure China with this kind of talk.

    But using logic didn’t work out when some of us dismissed these fuckers before the Iraq invasion.

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