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All of the Drama Has Investors in a Risk Off Mood This Morning

By happenstance, I had sold out of my entire book two days ago. I must admit to being extremely comfortable in cash now, in light of the Comey firing and subsequent shit storm brewing in DC. Nonetheless, I’ll be unveiling a new investment strategy on Friday — using the Exodus engine in a way that I’ve never used it before.

Early going SPY futures are slightly lower — but the Dow is off by 70. Gold, silver, and oil are bouncing, and yields are dropping. There isn’t anything particularly scary about the market these days. Volatility is in the single digits and the path of least resistance is definitely higher. But since when has that been a recipe for constant success? I mean, the entire herd is heading in one direction, isn’t that supposed to scare us?

I don’t even like to talk about bearish things, because they’ve proven to be a waste of time and energy. Betting against record highs has been an exercise in futility — an arduous task which has resigned many — through attrition — to give up the game altogether. But, dare I say, the recent Trump kerfuffle in DC might serve as a keystone in the unraveling of his agenda. I was very optimistic about his agenda being pursued a few weeks ago — after he revealed himself to be a water carrier for the neocons.

The deal had been set, written in blood. Trump would provide the elite with the blood sacrifices they required, for their Luciferian rituals, and in return Trump would get tax cuts and maybe a small wall. But now, the Comey firing business might distract from his agenda — with the democrats in open revolt. The sentiment for pro-growth policies might moderate here, causing investors to step aside.

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  1. john_galt

    Sell in May and prep for the war

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  2. ferd

    MSM and idiot pols have been ginning folks up about Russia day and night. So Maybe Trump just said fuck it. Fire Comey, don’t fire him, they’ll continue no matter what.

    It also seems that they may have put the word out that Russia should be vilified, not just Putin. So Putin Derangement Syndrome is morphing into Russia Derangement Syndrome. Got to keep the hate up even if Putin is no longer there?

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  3. it is showtime
    it is showtime

    I said, “cannibalization” 3 months ago

    consecutive highs, vix, lack of 1% intraday

    Now you have # of days Vix under 11

    I was right

    You’re just cannibalizing further and further

    It is all only happening and possible in a controlled manipulated environment
    (which is what I said 4 years ago)
    And the cannibalization
    is running out

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