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Rand Paul: McCain ‘Stupidity’ Hinders Political Solution in Syria

Rand Paul, one of a handful of politicians who is against the Syrian strikes, makes the point that Russia-phobia and the hysterical antics of people like Senator McCain, in fact, isolate America from having proper dialogue with Putin’s Russia — making it all but impossible to come to a political solution without being accused of being a Russian agent.

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  1. sarcrilege

    Being a Russian agent is so pre-yesterday. Rand Paul needs to keep up with the current labels. Anybody who want to find a political solution for ME is an anti-semite. That’s what is in vogue now.

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  2. mx2101

    Why are all but a handful of politicians for the Syrian strikes? For example- are they representing the preference of their constituents?

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    • frog

      That’s a good question. We are a very war like country. And defense contractors companies are spread our among the different states and counties — apparently specifically for the very reason of getting most citizens to be and vote in favor of every war, and in favor of every politician who loves war. There is more to the MIC than meets the eye.

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  3. frog

    If Russia would have helped to solve Syria’s problems, it would be done already. Russia doesn’t want to solve Syria’s problems. They want a pipeline and could care less about the Syrian people.

    The real question is: Why is it up to us to solve Syria’s problem, given that every time we try to solve a problem in the M.E., we make things worse instead? Shouldn’t solving the problem be done by some nation or person who is good at solving problems in the M.E.?

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    • heckler

      Or how about let’s just focus on our own problems for a few years. Perhaps some of our elected leaders still think that war equals jobs and a good economy? Or yeah, perhaps they believe they are pleasing certain parts of their constituencies?

      I’d love to see some national polling on how Americans feel about all this.

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  4. metalleg

    This has nothing to do with problems caused by Syria or Russia. It’s all about bringing Russia to heel and to do that, a pipeline is needed in Syria.

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