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Chairman, House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. McCaul says Clinton’s Actions Equal to TREASON

Hahahaha, you’re all gonna burn.

The rhetoric is accelerating. The FBI and other agencies are actively working against the Clinton’s. We’re at the ebb tide and all of the sins committed by the Clinton’s to date are being brought forth to the forefront for all the world to judge. If she makes it out of this shit storm, I’d imagine she will seek the vengeance of 10,000 Monte Cristos. All of the people who’ve plotted against her will be suicided.

In light of the new FBI documents explicitly stating that there’s a 99% chance that her server was accessed by at least 5 foreign agents, the next question one has to ask is ‘was it done on purpose, in order to leak information to our adversaries?’

Rep McCaul might be jumping to conclusions, but he’s tossing out the T word bomb for everyone to relish in, nonetheless.

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  1. bravo


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