18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,499 Blog Posts

Let Us Peer into My Blog Roll to See What They’re Talking About

It’s a slow news night. Apparently, there isn’t anything notable coming out of the DNC or Colin Powell gmail accounts, so I figured I’d check in on my fucking blogroll to see what they’ve been up to.

I’ve taken liberties to rewrite their titles, in order to better communicate what they’re really trying to say.

Zerohedge: The Liberal Media are a Pack of Corrupt, Lying, Thieving Wolves

Ritholtz: The Obama Recovery is Finally Starting to Pick Up Steam (not really, median incomes are still below 1999 levels and I suffer from confirmation bias)


Calculated Risk: Degeneracy in Vegas is at Record Highs and That’s a Good Sign for the Economy

Irrelevant Investor: I’m on a Diet and Computers Have Replaced Humans

Mish: Mexico’s Southern Border Wall, Paid for by Obama

Naked Capitalism: Commercial RE is Collapsing and You Should Fucking Sell Before it’s Too Late

Prag Cap: Warren Buffett Sucks

Contra-Corner: Retirees Are Being Liquidated from Their Pods and Placed Back into the Matrix

Financial Sense: GIBBERISH

Wolf Street: Self-Driving Cars Will Clown Rape 4 Million People

Backchannel: Meet Mr. Rothenberg, the Fucking Moron

Howard Lindzon: Rothenberg Should Get the Electric Chair

Business Insider: Trump the Victor!

ReCode: Twitter is Still a Huge Overvalued Piece of Shit

Gateway Pundit: The Clinton’s Caught in Yet Another Lie


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  1. rahagar

    LOL, that is called “selling the sizzle”!

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  2. moosh

    I can’t count how many times I have said “GIBBERISH” in my head during the course of my day in the last few weeks. Thanks, Fly

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  3. airborne

    When self-driving cars become the norm will the 1% lay-off their drivers??

    What the fuck will I do. How will I get a decent stock tip ??

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