18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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WTI was down more than 3.5%, after people did the math and figured out a potential Saudi oil freeze pales in comparison to the increases being placed on the supply side by a number of fellow terrorist sponsored countries.

The Third Estate are enduring hideous losses in a most fastidious fashion this afternoon. Like their predecessors lost before them pressing their luck into an inexorable circumstance, the vast majority of trulls infecting Twitter today, with their inane banter, will succumb to the pangs of detrimental and irreversible loss. Their bones will be broken and their marrow sapped by blood sucking vampires who feed off the weak. Lucky for all of you, “The Fly”  is a vampire killer, raised from birth to defeat the dark forces of man, protect the addled from speeding his/her wheeled chairs into deep and unforgiving crevasses.

History is replete with men who’ve been extricated from this game of play. Bear in mind, golden age thinking is the number one enemy of the future. We must forge ahead and create a new world, hopefully one without garrulous shit talkers, prattling about Twitter with mechanized rebuttals for all of the harrowing issues facing the world today. While the rosed colored glasses make things look good, it’s all a facade and only serves to undermine people–falling into a false sense of security that will inevitably lead to a most heinous demise.

From hog butchers to Goldman Ball Sacks, a courrection is coming (Extra Debert Grady), offering all a Hobson’s Choice that will clean the streets of talking potatoes and mollified whores of Babylon.

Have a great weekend!


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One comment

  1. roundwego

    funny how you only truly learn through failure. the longer you avoid admitting failure, the more wasted energy. fail often, fail quickly was the motto I lived by as a product designer. the greatest solutions are found when the big problems are revealed.

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