18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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JP Morgan: The Reason for Negative Rates in Europe Might Be Darwinsim

Ah, it was all an ingenious plan to root out the system of weak players, bankers in the way of wanton success and prosperity. It’s funny to see these large bracket braindead people get on teevee and try to make sense of things, without ever thinking about the obvious.

He thinks the whole negative rate idea might be sheer genius to bankrupt the weak players, since Europe is ‘over-banked.’

My theory is governments did the math and figured out they would not be able to service the interest on their debt in a decade or two. Therefore, they put plans into action to make the servicing costs for the debt, not only affordable, BUT PROFITABLE!!! By issuing new debt at negative rates, western society can continue to lavish itself in splendor, drawing blood from the young to preserve the organs of the old and the rich, and make money doing it.

That’s what I call diabolical genius.

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  1. mekhoury

    Debt Bonerjams – The New Willennium

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  2. tradercaddy

    western society can continue to lavish itself in splendor, drawing blood from the young to preserve the organs of the old and the rich….
    Sounds like Social Security….

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    • mx2101

      TC- Present folks on Social Security may hope to be gone by the time today’s younger folks have voting control.

      I think today’s young would change the system into a literal interpretation of the words Social Security. An individual receives benefits in proportion to the number of social “friends” who have remained in contact, and have agreed to chip in a few dollars a month to their “friends”

      This seems like a natural extension of the social orientation of today’s young and works perfectly with the technology. The Social Security App, your lifetime accumulation of “friends” crowd funds your retirement.

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  3. lesurgeon


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  4. tac o cat

    So the young and the middle class are dead – what stocks should i buy to make money?

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  5. mx2101

    tac o cat- I don’t think the millennials and generation Z are dead. When they achieve voting majority they will take care of themselves. I think the middle class largely created their own pain. I say that without malice, a stoic assessment.

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