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Cashin: The Line of Demarcation is $30 WTI

WTI is down another 5% to $30. All of the OPEC-Russian supply cut rumors have dissipated. Now, only the stark realities of cash strapped petrol nations exists, clamoring for cash flow–pumping oil as fast as they can.

Arthur Cashin sums it up pretty good. Crude oil below $30 means one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse will visit the NYSE, for a gingerly session of afternoon tea and chest kicking. Any movement towards $40 and the perverts and degenerates crawl out from their holes to buy small cap stocks.

In the meantime, the great debt reset of 2017, for the oil and gas industry, edges closer.

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One comment

  1. soupbone

    Crisis talk provides corrections but man is it ever hard to take advantage…

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