18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,500 Blog Posts


Ask yourselves this one question:

Who benefits from a lower stock market?

If answered correctly, you’d come to the quick conclusion that no one benefits from it and the country is better with a good stock market, as opposed to a weak one.

But is it that simple?

Since 2008, the government has made it their business to intervene, for the explicit purposes of higher equity valuations. We all know the Fed and their parlor tricks. We also know what the ECB did to quell their market scare. So what the fuck is going on now?

Could it be as simple as: not much going on here, merely a correction, a way station, on our way to a felicific mode of living?

How do I make such deductions (Exodus is the truth)?

$19 trillion in debt and growing, our national disgrace being fueled by and funded by capital gains. Pray tell me, without those lofty gains, hedge fund managers tossing blow in the air, chased by champagne corks, where is the money gonna come from?

My confidence in our markets runs parallel to the direct manipulation of it, courtesy of our central bank.

SHAK is the future. Fuck your burritos.



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  1. kdog

    China is going to screw us all up.

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  2. teslawasright

    What sayeth Lord Fly of GPRO?

    Also, once the Philly Cheesed Fed comes out with QE4, we all will prosper until the musiced chairs ends and we devalue and join to the Northed American Union –> Amero

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  3. gappingandyapping

    $GPRO and $X are going to zero, I just assured that by taking new positions in them.

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  4. bood

    we need to check support before resuming big time

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  5. bulld

    i have never seen someone flip flop as much in my life

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