18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Raising Cash For Offensive Means

I pared some of my RBCN position because it was huge and +10%. With some of the proceeds, I will allocate funds to whatever is smoking hot. I had ROSG this morning, before it ran, inside of the 12631 trading room– but couldn’t play it due to illiquidity. Since I’m rarely fully invested, it was a horrible feeling for “The Fly” to endure.

I have several names at the top of my list- but will not share them just yet for fears you leeches will front run me.

The tape isn’t that strong, so there’s always a chance of a wicked reversal. My CZR is under pressure, alongside several of my key holdings.

There’s nothing wrong with letting the bears enter the cabin to feed on the crumbs lying on the living room floor. When they are finished, lounged out by the fireside, we will jump on them from the rafters and stick pikes in their faces and tear off their stupid bear heads.


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One comment

  1. Monsieur Anchieur
    Monsieur Anchieur

    Why not tell them an idea, let them front you… Let them get real super bullish pumping it on every yahoo message board trying to get the price higher, Eventually, they run out of momentum and can’t bid it up higher. Then the wait until they get faded and then they panic and sell for a loss like the masses usually do. Then buy their margin calls and coast to an easy victory!

    Why not, sir? waigh naught? (sic) ewheough nauought? (sic) aeugh nat!? (sic)

    (runs really fast while building momentum until reaching light speed crashing into wall while screaming and falls over unconscious like the weirdest guy you have ever seen… on crack and steroids and sleeping pills times two)

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