18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,445 Blog Posts

The Foot is Being Firmly Pressed on the Pedal

Bernanke is going to punch your lights out. If your bet is against the Fed, you are a terrible gambler.

“The Devil” seems to think PAMT will explode higher, based upon rumors and other things that can equate to a “gigantic short squeeze.”

I am bored with VHC. It’s been dead money for almost a month. In the near term, I like my chances with BX, APO and USG.

I don’t invest in biotechs because of AFFY. Once again, this catastrophe proves my point that the sector is nothing more than a roll at the old wheel of fortune, pinless hand grenades being tossed about in the old pool. Avoid the sector unless you have an in at the FDA.

CWEI is of great interest to me. However, the volume is so thin. It will be very hard for me to get in, let alone get out. Generally speaking, I like to own stocks that trade 500k shares per day.

Last but not least: DDD

I once owned the name and missed out on a huge run. Now the stock is getting drilled due to nefarious newsletters. I hate battleground stocks–but this seems overdone. Speaking of overdone, I am very close to initiating a long position in Apple July 600 calls.

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One comment

  1. The Equalizer

    A biotech koan:

    This morning, I felt like crap, for I was long $DVAX.
    Then I met a man who was long $AFFY, and who no longer had an ass.

    Upon exclaiming FIG, the investor reached enlightment.

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