18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,551 Blog Posts

Losing a Fortune Faster Than I Had Expected

All of my stocks are getting lit, especially IMMR. I can’t pretend to be surprised. After all, the stock reversed on big volume on earnings day, throwing me through the windshield. But that’s the reason why I sold 30% of my position ahead of earnings–to buy it back. The stock is low enough for me to buy back now. I’d have to hold onto this sucker for another quarter or two. But I intended to do that anyway.

The market is lower due to profit taking. That’s all. It might rebound today or it might rebound next week. Rest assured: it will rebound.

The game plan, for now, is to absorb the licks as best I can, plot and scheme to utilize the cash on hand (20%) to acquire some bargains.

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A Philisophical Approach to New Highs

All of the youngsters are playing this bull run with reckless abandon; and that’s a good thing. I know it sounds cliche, but the older you get, the more you fear. Then we get so old that anything short of a coronary is child’s play, enabling us to display pseudo courage at the tender age of 90.

Some of us are just reckless, willing to lose everything just to make it big. This is the classic mistake that most of you penis holders make. If you don’t have an edge, don’t take the risk, pal. You have no business doing what I do, since I do it better, vis a vie years of hard fought experience.

I’ve been playing the stock market since I was 10 years old. Although I never turned birthday gifts into millions, I’ve managed to pull myself up from the dirt into the upper middle class. The upper class is now populated with people disconnected from the planet, totally insane, coked up or downed out.

But I’m not done yet.

I will use the talents that I have to finance the Orbital Space Cannon (OSC) programmes, meant to be used for offensive and authoritarian means only. Defense is for shoe shiners.

No, I am not afraid to buy at the highs because it’s only money. I’ve made and lost fortunes and will do so again. That’s the nature of the game. Play to win or don’t play at all.

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What Are Your Top Picks For the Remainder or 2013?

There are plenty of high beta names that I will be involved in, from now until 12/31. But I’d be hard pressed to find a stock with a better story than POWI. It is my top idea for the remainder of the year.

What’s yours?

As an aside, we are in the final stages of launching The Option Addict’s Premium service. The guy has been killing it. Free trials forthcoming.

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IPOs Are Red Hot in 2013

If you are wondering where you can find stocks that are unknown, perhaps undervalued, look no further than the ipo market. As an index, they are up more than 30% this year and keep spinning higher. This is speculation at its best and I am game.

Inside the hallowed halls of The PPT, I created a screen that can search out ipos. Here are the outperformers, over the past month:












And here are the underperformers:










The one’s that are ripping today are ONTX, IPDN, KBIO, LITB, SCTY, CNAT, LIQD, SALE, STML and YY.

To pick the right one, I suggest starting with volume, believe it or not. Some of these stocks are too illiquid and can serve as a ‘roach motel’ if the market sours. I’d then look for relative strength, keeping my screens focused on tech and healthcare.


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Biotech Are the New Chinese Burritos–sans Fraud

I cannot believe my eyes, SPEX is parabolic to the upside, as well as a half dozen small cap biotechs. I’ve purposely avoided this space, due to my handicap in the field of medicine. However and apparently, none of that is needed in order to become a very successful biotech investor. People who’ve delved into this space have gotten rich, very rich.

Nonetheless, the runs will continue, as the Baby Boomers (the worst generation since the dark ages) die on an industrial scale.

There are several that I am eyeballing and have requested the assistance of some people that I know in the medical profession. On the larger cap front, GILD seems to be the preferred stock, especially since their new HVC drug is likely to be approved this year.

If you have any small biotechs worth a look, let me know–as I am new and inexperienced in the space.

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Update on The Pershing Square

CNBC is reporting Bill ‘Montauk” Ackman was down 2.2% in July and up just 4% for the year. In other words, Bill, due to his retarded HLF short position and long JCP holdings, is in the bottom quadrant of professional money managers, as far as performance is concerned. Even still, he has over $11 billion under management.

Being the best doesn’t mean you will be the most successful. In this case, Bill is a terrific salesmen.


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Apparently, You Were Wrong–Again

Is that IMMR trading up this morning? I believe it is. More than that, the stock is heading higher with conviction, chest hairs and all.

Social media stocks are parabolic, even GSVC is lifting off. Had it not been for Mike Moe running GSVC like his personal piggy bank, I would’ve purchased the stock when I last mentioned it.

Z, P and TRLA looks great too.

Also, please, I beg of you, do not forget about my AMBA. It doesn’t like to be neglected.

My holdings in GPRE are paying off today too. Ethanol for the win. Death to corn.

Right now I have about 20% cash left and feel like investing the whole thing today. Why the hell not? I’m not afraid to test fate and certainly do not believe this is the top.


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These Stocks Are About to Go Ham

I’ve been hitting the gym hard, training so that I might dismantle my neighbors with just one punch–should the occasion arise. Since I don’t like to exert too much energy when fighting, I felt it made sense to cut down to 10% body fat, then bulk up, so that I might impose my will around the hood (extra Deebo).

The “lifestyle” as Marc David likes to call it calls for a deficit of 500 calories from my maintenance caloric intake per day–eating clean, focused on low carbs, high proteins. By the way, if any of you fatties want someone who can help you get in shape, Marc is your man. And, no, I am not being compensated for linking to him, so buzz off.

Back to the market.

We are in hard core, porno, Peter North mode, so I am looking for low float stocks, heavily shorted, ranked high by The PPT algos. Here are some ideas.






HGG (just dropped 6k there)





My personal buy list consists of IMMR, CRS and ANGI.


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An Update on the iBankCoin Logo Contest

Some of these logos are simply unacceptable. The task at hand was to produce a logo better than the present one. I’ve weeded out “the best” of the entries and will show them to you in just a moment. Before I do, just know the contest is still active and I am still accepting entries.

The winner will receive immortality, as well as several hundred ‘bucks,’ to borrow a phrase from the local sanitation workers.

Email them: Flybroker @ gmail.com









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