18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,558 Blog Posts

Deadliest Mass Shooting on Record: Terrorist Kills 50, Scores Injured, at Floridian Gay Club

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, 29, born in America to Afghan parents, walked into a gay club called The Pulse last night and opened fire, killing 50, injuring at least another 50.

He was from Port St. Lucie, Florida, a registered democrat, and was believed to have been married and lived in this house below.


There are varying theories about his motives, stemming from possible Islamic ties to extremist groups in the Middle East to homophobia. It’s being reported that his Father said Omar got very angry when he saw two men kissing in public.

It’s very easy to simply label this an Islamic crazed terrorist attack and it might very well be just that. But this fucker was born and raised here, lived amongst us and shared in our culture. Some will view this as a gun issue, others a terrorist attack on western values, who are welcoming to others regardless of their sexual orientation.

I have a more myopic view on these events, and think humans suck and will disappoint every single time. Watch the news cycle work itself into a frenzy, with political agendas running wild trying to impose their bias on this event. There will be gun control and Islamophobia nuts vying for airtime to share their views on this attack, all the while Americans go about their days sucking on frappacinos, texting on their fucking iPhones.

99% of all Muslims are peaceful and tolerant to western ideals…yadda, yadda, yadda.

This circus makes me sick.

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German Magazine Begs Britain to Stay in the EU

In a last ditch attempt at convincing the freedom loving people in the UK to stay in the oppressively fascist state of the EU, Der Spiegel published this week’s magazine, as a form of beggary, hoping to sway a few votes in their favor. The gist of the matter lies with Greece and the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain), in regards to their mountainous debt. It is widely feared that if the UK vies for freedom, other nations might get the same idea and break away from the EU. With Germany being the leader of the EU (extra nazi), this bodes poorly for them, as the dissolution of the euro would, indelibly and inexorably, remove their advantage as the manufacturing hub for all of Europe.

Germany has the most to lose. Hence, they beg…like dogs.

In no uncertain terms, it tells British readers “it’s smarter to stay.”

The appeal includes an interview with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble on the economic consequences of a British withdrawal, an article on the efforts of a Berlin and London-residing artist to convince Britain to stay, as well as a feature on BMW’s rescue of the iconic Mini as an example of a German-British success story. The issue argued that “Brexit would be a catastrophe for everyone” and went ablaze on Twitter using the hashtag #pleasedontgo.

“We can no longer convince the British to love the EU. It’s too late for that,” Spiegel wrote in the cover story. “But perhaps we should use this opportunity to mention how much the rest of Europe admires them. It’s unbelievable that they don’t seem to see how much they’ve shaped the continent, how much we value them here, how close we Germans feel to them — that too is part of the story.”

The German magazine’s effort to sway British voters comes after policymakers including Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen have expressed concern over the possible departure of the U.K. from the European Union following a referendum scheduled for June 23. With less than two weeks to go before the vote, the uncertainty has also spread to financial markets. A poll published late Friday showed the ‘Leave’ campaign taking a 10 percentage-point lead, sending sterling plunging to its lowest since April against the dollar.

Recent polling data suggest a 10 point lead for people opting to leave the EU. This effort has been spearheaded by the boisterous Nigel Farage.

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Saturday Cinema with Le Fly: Patton

Long ago, before the era of the transgender elite controlling this country, hard men like General Patton traversed America. He wasn’t interested in gender neutral bathrooms or offending people with the colors blue and pink. No, he said ‘fuck you’ to that. He was interested in killing the hun, greasing the treads of his tank with their guts.

The opening monolog is probably the best damn movie speech of all-time. This entire film is a work of art. However, it definitely might offend some of you who are sensitive to men who exhibit extreme amounts of bravery and machismo.

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Morons: Citi Sues AT&T Over the Word ‘Thanks’

At the end of times, there will be nothing but bugs and lawyers left to inhabit the earth. In what could only be described as a very moronic and wasteful time to be spending in court (hello billable hours), Citi is suing AT&T for using the word ‘thank you.’

While AT&T isn’t using the words ‘Thank You’ in their material, but instead ‘thanks’, the fucking assholes at Citi believe it’s too close for comfort and would rather sue than to think this through like a rational human beings.

The bank sued AT&T Inc. on Friday over the telecom company’s use of the trademarks “thanks” and “AT&T thanks” in a new customer-loyalty program. The use infringes several of Citigroup’s trademarks, including “ThankYou” and “Citi ThankYou,” according to a complaint filed in Manhattan federal court.

Citigroup, the world’s biggest credit-card lender, has been using the “ThankYou” trademark in a customer-loyalty program since 2004, and more than 7 million of its customers have a ThankYou-branded credit card, the bank said. Citigroup wants a court order barring AT&T from using the terms.

AT&T’s use of the phrases “is likely to cause customer confusion,” the bank said. The trademark designs also have similar fonts and word placements, according to the suit.

AT&T is balking at New York-based Citigroup’s allegations.

“This may come as a surprise to Citigroup, but the law does not allow one company to own the word ‘thanks,’’’ AT&T spokesman Fletcher Cook said in an e-mail. “We’re going to continue to say thanks to our customers.”

Litigious animals. Bleak House.

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Bill Gross Explains, the Only Way to Escape the ‘Supernova’ to Come is to be on the Ark

I’ve been very docile with my viewpoints with you this year. Part of it has to do with my retirement from the fuckheaded money management business. The other part is a certain zen that has washed over me, as I am supremely confident with my investment strategy, more so than at any time in my illustrious career.

It reminds me of the time, as a young intern, in the NYC Comptrollers office. It was the mid 90’s and I was stark raving mad bullish on this thing you now know as the internet, professing the virtues of this small start up company called America Online. The bosses there heeded my advice with skepticism, printing out articles from fucked faces who said Microsoft would, in fact, destroy AOL in the race towards being the #1 online service provider–leaving such filth on my desk as a lesson of sorts for a know it all punk kid.

Fast forward 5 years later, my tiny $6k investment in AMER swelled to over $250k, helping a young lad from Brooklyn escape the horrors of living in a basement apartment with my wife and young child.

BEHOLD B. Gross and his ‘supernova’ theory.

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With 13 Days Until the Vote, Polling Data Suggests the People of Britain Will Leave the EU

It’s not nice of the British people to desire freedom and independence from the EU hegemony, controlled by trollish looking like men and women in Brussels. In a surprise poll, conducted by the Independent (ironic), the lead of the pro BREXIT camp grew from 51% to 55% since April. If this was to come to fruition, the authoritarians in the EU would be, inexorably, fucked–with others almost certainly vying to escape their wrath as well.

The survey of 2,000 people by ORB found that 55 per cent believe the UK should leave the EU (up four points since our last poll in April), while 45 per cent want it to remain (down four points). These figures are weighted to take account of people’s likelihood to vote. It is by far the biggest lead the Leave camp has enjoyed since ORB began polling the EU issue for The Independent a year ago, when it was Remain who enjoyed a 10-point lead. Now the tables have turned.

Even when the findings are not weighted for turnout, Leave is on 53 per cent (up three points since April) and Remain on 47 per cent (down three). The online poll, taken on Wednesday and Thursday, suggests the Out camp has achieved momentum at the critical time ahead of the 23 June referendum.

This, of course, is having a deleterious effect on stocks and has increased today’s rout, as the dreams of a utopian society of globalist elite, trotting from one continent to the next, handing out donuts to the indigenous people, begins to morph into the fabric of fantasy, withering away like the residue from a cocaine platter at a Beverly Hills summers night out.

NOTE: The British Pound is getting pounded v the dollar.


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‘Noah’s Ark’ Replica Crashes into Oslo Coast Guard Vessel

You can’t make this shit up.

Norwegian officials say a wooden exhibition ship built as a representation of Noah’s ark has struck a coastguard vessel in Oslo harbour, damaging both ships.

Coastguard spokesman Rune Svartsund said the wooden ship was being towed into harbour on Friday morning when it ran into the Nornen, a patrol vessel moored at the quay.

Svartsund said no one was injured but both ships were damaged.

Get the fuck out of the way, Oslo. The ark floats and needs to find refuge for the scores of zebra, jaguar and giraffe on board the biblical styled ship.

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The Ark is Floating

TLT is at new highs. There were a great many of you who talked shit, suggesting that I was insane for taking such a stubborn view on bonds. You’re all drowning in a catastrophic flood now, as the oars from my ark bashes your skull in.


I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve made scores of great calls, some of which have made many of you many millions of dollars. This will be my best call ever.

My newly minted positions in GLD, AUY, AU and NEM aren’t fairing too poorly either.


Get on the ark or get in the mine. If not, you’ll all perish a most horrendous death.

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