
Highly Professional, Highly Astute

Whilst you got your brains blown out during today’s downturn of a session, yours truly was immune to the pangs, netting +9bps for the day, during the deluge. Whilst there are innumerable reasons and concerns as to why there were more sellers than buyers, none of that is material. The only thing that matters is ‘were you up or were you down?’

If down, you simply need to come to terms with the fact that you aren’t as good as me. That doesn’t mean you can’t change a tire faster or perhaps vacuum a rug with greater expediency; but it does mean that when it counts and the chips are down and markets ARE IN TURMOIL, you fold like a cheap tent.

That’s fine. Some of us need to be ditch diggers.

My opinion on where stocks go from here is also immaterial, and none of your business. The days of me doling out free information to an entirely unwashed class is fast coming to an end. Once I am gone, you will be lost in a zoo of trees and weeds, cutting the thickets in an attempt to get back to equanimity. Truthfully, it’ll never happen and at some point the market will consume you, as it does most men who chance upon it.


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