
Did Israel Just Hack Pagers to Blow Up People?

This morning there were reports that thousands of Lebanese were injured, 300 critical, 8 dead, in what appears to be an attack on “Hezbollah”. In actuality, I cannot trust or believe anything western media says, so to say these pagers only belonged to evil terrorists is extremely surface level, basic, retardation. An act like this is the definition of terrorism and is designed to compel Hezbollah and Iran to wage war against Israel. We have seen attack after attack and no palpable response from Iran as of yet. I do believe a child and the Iranian FM to Lebanon was injured in this attack.

What this achieves for me is looking at my fucking iPhone, wondering if this fucking thing could be hacked to explode on me at a time and place of someone’s choosing. If I drove a Tesla, perhaps they could hack that too and make it blow up a fucking building.

Did they really hack 1990s pagers to overheat and blow up or were these fuckers rigged with c4 in some chicanery between Motorola and I am guessing Israeli state actors? Who else would want to do this? Let’s be honest.

Many on X are celebrating this “attack” because “terrorists” were killed in what appears to be a very “cool” James Bond like Hollywood production. You people are fucking morons. Your iPhones will one day be used to blow off your cocks, and then they’ll just say “that fucker was a terrorist” and half of X will then celebrate your evisceration.

It’s a death cult.

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  1. bensteinsmoney

    Make America Safe: AR’s for everyone!

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