
Document the Week that Passed

Things are fresh in your mind now but soon this recent month of action will pass and you will forget which stocks worked in this oversold cycle, small fears over the Yen increasing in value, other ancillary fears about the valuations of semiconductors.

I do this with all big events, including but not limited to hurricanes, tragedies, wars, liquidity panics, financials crises, recessions, booms etc.

Markets lifted between 4 and 6% the past week, so keep track of notable stocks that did 3x more than that, for future reference. The next time markets slide 10%, you’ll have a go to list of stocks that participate with markets.

Here are some notable ETFs, weekly returns.

$JNUG +30%
$SOXL +29%
$FNGU +24%
$BITX +24%
$TQQQ +18%
$TNA +13%

In Stocklabs, I created a list, cherry picked relevant names according to market cap groupings.

In case you’re wondering, as you eat tuna fish from a can, our mean reversion oversold signal was in fact flawless: SHOMP.

Imagine how retarded you’ll all be once I am gone.

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  1. bensteinsmoney

    “Imagine how retarded you’ll all be once I am gone.”

    You could say the same about me. The PR must be in ruins over the debate. Best to West!

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  2. soupbone

    Isn’t that Braveflaps? Anyway google shows a link to CometPizza archives today. Pray tell, are those available?

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