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Roaring Kitty is Well On His Way To Being a Billionaire

Notice how a few weeks ago I wanted “Hello Kitty” in jail for rigging $GME and now I’m rather impressed. It goes to show you what performance or results does to the mind. When things are going well, there is peace and equanimity. When grim, everyone has their pitched forks out and ready to stab.

A few days ago Roaring Kitty reveled a behemoth $200m position in $GME, both common and options, and now the stock has nearly doubled from where his basis. More than that, he has scheduled a livestream for June 7th, 2024.


According to the $GME calls he revealed ownership of on June 2nd, 120,000 contracts of the GME June21 20s, that position is now worth $330m. His common stock position is now worth $215m for a grand total of $545m.


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One comment

  1. metalleg

    If anyone can replicate what he’s doing, it’s you.

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