18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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I Lack $500 Million Dollars

For a long time I thought my achievements in trading were pretty damn good. After all, I have 13x my money since 2021. My annual returns are ~ +158% since 2020. But here I am looking at my year, barely up 12% and lacking any significant mojo juxtaposed against this absolute chad Roaring Fucking Kitty, I feel somewhat futile.

In short, I lack $500 million. I am not sure what I’d do with $500m if I possessed it. But I am fairly certain I’d enact EXTREMELY HOSTILE takeovers and write 13d letters the things legends are made from. I’d call for the execution of many CEOs who were underperforming at their tasks.

But I don’t want to get off track here. One of the faggots in the comments section said I was “jealous” of Roaring Kitty, but nothing could be further from the truth. I know it’s my word versus what you perceive reality to be. But if you take my word for it I will explain my philosophy about success and life.

Another person’s achievements are motivation for me, never looked at with envy. I am rich in many different manners of life and humble enough and egoless enough to appreciate the efforts of others. I celebrate greatness all the time and look towards others as inspiration to perhaps replicate, even if unrealistic.

HOWEVER, I can never replicate Mr Roaring Kitty, a man with zero fucks given. Who the fuck drops $65m into SHORT DATED call contracts that could very well expire worthless? It’s the fiduciary in me and my battles in the market that have grizzled me and made me risk averse. When I was younger I’d take wild gambits and make outrageous daily swings. But it isn’t appropriate for a man in my station, married and with kids who depend on me, to risk in manner that ebbs on the absurd.

I’d like to warn many of you reading this to be aware of the risks associated with buying into $GME up here, yada yada yada. Who gives a fuck, really?

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  1. soupbone

    This action going down and we figure a rate cut is needed? My fuck you can’t feed this more liquidity.

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  2. jose

    Excellent music choice.

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