18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,553 Blog Posts


Full disclosure:

I traded perfectly today until I took a 15 min break to eat. I had traded back to green from early losses and then felt comfy enough to load up on $FNGU, since all of the FANG stocks looked great. Aside from that, I was loaded with some $BITX and $RIOT and felt generally sanguine about my prospects. I went into the roasted beef sandwich with a feeling of supremacy.

Upon returning back to the trading turret, I was completely destroyed. A massive red candle consumed all of my efforts and more and I ended the session off nearly 70bps. This is what happens when you’re day trading. If you’re not glued to the fucking screen for every minute of the day, danger and catastrophe can strike at any moment.

When I get back into proper money management, I’ll need to deploy a hybrid model and I am somewhat into the weeds of finalizing said stratagem.

At any rate, today’s loss isn’t so much a monetary set back as it is an emotional one. As such, I’ve pinned my hopes and dreams on a GIGASPIKE out of $BTC tonight and really would like that to happen, as it would immediately make me profitable and then I’d feeeeeeeeel really good about myself.

I understand many of you reading this are financially illiterate and scoff at the idea of trading in a RIGGED stock market. But that’s even more reason to trade stocks, knowing it is rigged.

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