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Ackman Takes a Cab, Trashes $UBER

Because he’s just like you and me, Bill took an Uber the other day and wanted to share his thoughts.

According to the cabbie who ferried Bill back to his penthouse apartment on the upper east side NYC, Uber steals his tips. In a fury, Bill took a picture of the ordeal, sent the photo to the CEO of Uber, who is busy running a global empire, and was chagrined when he was ghosted. So like any responsible fiduciary would do, he went to X and accused the company of defrauding poor cabbies. It sounds really bad and I’m sure some are very mad at what evil Uber is doing. Being one of the biggest and most influential hedge fund managers in the world, this was a serious charge to make publicly, a charge that should have been researched and confirmed as true because of the potential damage is might cause shareholders.

Instead of doing all of that, Bill wanted to express his dismay, a man of the people, taking cabs like normies and chatting up the help.

The only problem with the story, none of it was true, as indicated by the community note. Montauk Bill strikes again, depositing a check his body could not cash.

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